Publication Date
Series Number
Fisheries Research Report No. 207
Western Australian Department of Fisheries
1 921258 89 6
1035 - 4549
Introduced marine pests are regarded as one of the critical environmental issues worldwide which can damage the marine environment, including that of Western Australia. Most introduced species cause no apparent harm. A small minority of introduced species become pests, but these few can cause substantial economic and ecological damage.
Number of Pages
Introduced species; Marine organisms; Marine environment; Western Australia; Biological surveys; Environmental monitoring; Methodology; Harbours; Risks; Risk management; Policies.
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Recommended Citation
Wells, F.E and McDonald, J.I. 2010. Actions to implement and complement the National System for the Prevention and Management of Introduced Marine Pests in Western Australia. Fisheries Research Report No. 207. Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. 394p.
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