The fisheries research reports series contains technical and scientific information that represents an important contribution to the existing knowledge, but which may not be suitable for publication in national or international scientific journals.
Reports from 2025
Metropolitan Monitoring Program 2024, Alissa C. Tate, Claire B. Smallwood, and Karina L. Ryan
Reports from 2024
Recreational fishing for Western Rock Lobster: estimates of participation, effort and catch in 2023/24, Claire B. Smallwood, Karina L. Ryan, and Alissa C. Tate
Applying data-limited assessment methods to charter logbook length data, Brett Crisafulli, Sybrand Alex Hesp, David Fairclough, Emily A. Fisher, Paul D. Lewis, Jeffrey V. Norriss, Corey B. Wakefield, Fabian Trinnie, and Stephen J. Newman
Ecological risk assessment for the Western Australian sea cucumber resource, Kimberley A. Smith, Cameron Desfosses, Dave Murphy, Amie Steele, and Lachlan W. Strain
Ecological risk assessment for the Western Australian Cephalopod Resource, Cameron J. Desfosses, Kimberley A. Smith, Lachlan W.S. Strain, Dave Murphy, Keyley Hogan-West, Daniel Yeoh, Shannon Burchert, Linda Wiberg, Bec Oliver, Brett M. Crisafulli, and Gabby E. Mitsopoulos
Ecological risk assessment for the Western Australian Large Pelagic Fish Resource, Kimberley A. Smith, Paul Lewis, Kendra Travaille, Brett M. Crisafulli, Liv Rynvis, and Gabby E. Mitsopoulos
Metropolitan Monitoring Program 2023, Alissa C. Tate, Lucy J. Rudd, Claire B. Smallwood, and Karina L. Ryan
Assessment of the status of the Pilbara Demersal Scalefish Resource, Corey Wakefield, Ainslie Denham, Fabian Trinnie, Sybrand A. Hesp, Rachel Marks, Dion Boddington, and Stephen J. Newman
Long term sustainable use of demersal gillnet and demersal longline in Western Australia’s Temperate Shark Fisheries - Fisheries Research Report 340, Matias Braccini, Jack Parker, Daniela Waltrick, Maddison Watt, Nick Blay, and Clinton Syers
Reports from 2023
Resource Assessment Report for Western Australian Salmon in Western Australia, Rodney Duffy Dr., Bianca Brooks, Alex Hesp, Amber Quinn, Blaine Hodgson, and Marcus Newman
Recreational fishing for Western Rock Lobster: estimates of participation, effort and catch in 2022/23, Claire B. Smallwood, Karina L. Ryan, Alissa C. Tate, and Lucy J. Rudd
Recreational fishing for Abalone in Western Australia in 2021/22: estimates of participation, effort and catch., Claire B. Smallwood, Karina L. Ryan, Eva K.M. Lai, Lucy J. Rudd, and Lachlan W. Strain
Ecological risk assessment for the Western Australian offshore crustacean resource., Jason How, Kimberley A. Smith, Hannah Donnelly, Linda Wiberg, and Rebecca Oliver
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Western Australian Silverlip Pearl Oyster (Pinctada maxima) Resource, K. A. Smith, S. Brown, A. M. Hart, and A. Bissell
Reports from 2022
Developing novel remote camera approaches to assess and monitor the population status of Australian sea lions, Mathew Hourston, Daniela Waltrick, Stuart Blight, Ainslie Denham, Alex Hesp, and Steve Taylor
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Western Rock Lobster Resource; Background Information, Jason How, Emma-Jade Tuffley, Rebecca Oliver, Scott Evans, Mathew Hourston, and Simon de Lestang
Boat-based recreational fishing in Western Australia 2020/21, Karina L. Ryan, Eva KM Lai DPIRD, and Claire B. Smallwood
Recreational fishing for Western Rock Lobster: estimates of participation, effort and catch in 2021/22, Claire B. Smallwood, Karina L. Ryan, Alissa C. Tate, and Lucy J. Rudd
Shore-based recreational fishing in the Perth Metropolitan area: 2022, Alissa Tate, Lucy Rudd, and Claire B. Smallwood
Ecological risk assessment for the marine aquarium fish resource, Kimberley Smith, Amelia Bissell, and Carly Bruce
South-West Estuarine and Nearshore Finfish Resource Part 1: Sea Mullet and Yellowfin Whiting, Rodney Duffy Dr., David Harris, Emily Fisher, Kim Smith, Danielle Johnston, Ainslie Denham, Alex Hesp, Blaine Hodgson, Amber Quinn, and Marcus Newman
Houtman Abrolhos Islands Fish Habitat Protection Area: A summary of marine resource use and ecological attributes, Scott N. Evans, Nick Konzewitsch, and Lynda M. Bellchambers
Western Australian sea cucumber resource assessment report, A.M. Hart, D.M. Murphy, and F.F. Fabris
Reports from 2021
Ecological Risk Assessment for the State-wide Small Pelagic Scalefish Resource, S. Blazeski, J. Norriss, K. A. Smith, and M. Hourston
Fisheries Research Report 319: Resource Assessment Report for Australian Herring in Western Australia, R E. Duffy, A M. Hart, N Caputi, S A. Hesp, A Quinn, A M. Denham, and K Smith
Recreational fishing for Western Rock Lobster: estimates of participation, effort and catch from 1986/87 – 2017/18. Fisheries Research Report 299, Fabian I. Trinnie, Cameron J. Desfosses, Brent S. Wise, and Karina L. Ryan
Recreational fishing for Western Rock Lobster: estimates of participation, effort and catch from 2018/19–2020/21. Fisheries Research Report 313, Claire B. Smallwood, Karina L. Ryan, Alissa Tate, and Cameron J. Desfosses
Shore-based recreational fishing in the Perth Metropolitan area: 2014 – 2021. Fisheries Research Report 315, Alissa Tate and Claire B. Smallwood
2021 assessment of the status of the West Coast Demersal Scalefish Resource, David Fairclough, S. A. Hesp, Ainslie Denham, Emily A. Fisher, Rachel Marks, Karina L. Ryan, Elaine Lek, Rhys Allen, and Brett Crisafulli
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Temperate Demersal Elasmobranch Resource, Maddison Watt, Matias Braccini, Kimberley A. Smith, and Matthew Hourston
Squid and cuttlefish resources of Western Australia, Daniel Yeoh, Danielle Johnston, and David C. Harris
Otoliths of south-western Australian fish: a photographic catalogue, Chris Dowling, Kim Smith, Elaine Lek, and Joshua Brown
Imputation of missing count data of recreational boat retrievals from remote camera surveys in the Perth Metropolitan region, Western Australia, E. Afrifa-Yamoah, S.M Taylor, Cameron J. Desfosses, and U. A. Mueller
Reports from 2020
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Peel-Harvey Estuarine Fishery, E. A. Fisher, S. N. Evans, Cameron J. Desfosses, Danielle Johnston, R Duffy, and K. A. Smith
International Workshop on Recreational Fishing Surveys, Rachel Marks, Cameron J. Desfosses, and Alissa Tate
Blue Swimmer Crab ( Portunus armatus ) and Mud Crab Scylla serrata and Scylla olivacea ) Resources in the North Coast and Gascoyne Coast Bioregions, Western Australia, D Johnston, Daniel Yeoh, David Harris, and E Fisher
Blue Swimmer Crab ( Portunus armatus ) and Sand Crab ( Ovalipes australiensis ) Resource in the South Coast Bioregion of Western Australia, D Johnston, David Harris, and Daniel Yeoh
Understanding recruitment variation (including the collapse) of Ballot’s saucer scallop stocks in Western Australia and assessing the feasibility of assisted recovery measures for improved management in a changing environment. FRDC Project No. 2015/026, Arani Chandrapavan, Mervi Kangas, and Nick Caputi
Blue Swimmer Crab ( Portunus armatus ) Resource in the West Coast Bioregion, Western Australia Part 1: Peel Harvey Estuary, Cockburn Sound and Swan Canning Estuary, D Johnston, Daniel Yeoh, David Harris, and E Fisher
Blue Swimmer Crab ( Portunus armatus ) Resource in the West Coast Bioregion, Western Australia Part 2: Warnbro Sound, Comet Bay, Mandurah to Bunbury, Leschenault Estuary, Geographe Bay an d Hardy Inlet, D Johnston, David Harris, and Daniel Yeoh
Mitigation measures to reduce entanglements of migrating whales with commercial fishing gear, Jason How, D Coughran, M Double, K Rushworth, B Hebiton, J Smith, J Harrison, M Taylor, D Paton, G McPherson, C McPherson, A Recalde Salas, C Salgado-Kent, and Simon de Lestang
Review of recreational fishing surveys in Western Australia, Alissa Tate, K. L. Ryan, Claire B. Smallwood, Cameron J. Desfosses, S.M Taylor, E.K. Lai, and Stuart Blight
Reports from 2019
Statewide survey of boat-based recreational fishing in Western Australia 2017/18, K. L. Ryan, N.G. Hall, E.K. Lai, Claire B. Smallwood, Alissa Tate, S.M Taylor, and Brent S. Wise
Integrated survey of boat-based recreational fishing in inner Shark Bay 2018/19, S.M Taylor, Claire B. Smallwood, Cameron J. Desfosses, K. L. Ryan, and Gary Jackson
Invertebrate and Reef Health Research and Monitoring at Cocos (Keeling) Islands – 2019 Update, N Konzewitsch and S. N. Evans
Recovering a collapsed abalone stock through translocation. Seafood CRC Project No. 2011/762, Lachlan W.S. Strain, Jamin M. Brown, and Anthony M. Hart
Biological, Ecological and Structural Monitoring Report: Southwest Recreational Fishing Artificial Reef Trial, Geographe Bay, Western Australia, Paul D. Lewis and Mark Pagoni
Summary of the West Coast Rock Lobster Managed Fishery science and modelling review, Simon de Lestang, Jason R. How, Nick Caputi, Emma-Jade Tuffley, and Mark Rossbach
Development of an industry-based habitat mapping/monitoring system FRDC Project No 2011/021, Simon de Lestang, Matthew B. Pember, and Dirk Slawinski
Reports from 2018
Resource Assessment Report Temperate Demersal Elasmobranch Resource of Western Australia, Matias Braccini, Nick Blay, S. A. Hesp, and Brett Molony
A survey of boat-based recreational fishing in inner Shark Bay 2016/17, S.M Taylor, Aldo S. Steffe, E.K. Lai, K. L. Ryan, and Gary Jackson
Weight-length summaries for Western Australian fish species derived from surveys of recreational fishers at boat ramps, C.B. Smallwood, Alissa Tate, and Karina L. Ryan
Decision tree and rapid appraisal methodology for new fisheries, Anthony M. Hart
Australian Herring and West Australian Salmon Scientific Workshop Report, October 2017, Brent S. Wise and Brett Molony
Risk Assessment of the potential impacts of seismic air gun surveys on marine finfish and invertebrates in Western Australia, F J. Webster, Brent S. Wise, H Kemps, and Warrick Fletcher
Improving confidence in the management of the blue swimmer crab (Portunus armatus) in Shark Bay PART II: Socio-economic significance of commercial Blue Swimmer crabs in Shark Bay. FRDC project no. 2012/15, R Daley and I van Putten
Improving confidence in the management of the blue swimmer crab (Portunus armatus) in Shark Bay. Part I : Rebuilding of the Shark Bay Crab Fishery. FRDC project no. 2012/15, Arani Chandrapavan, Mervi Kangas, Danielle Johnston, Nicolavito Caputi, Alexander Hesp, Ainslie Maree Denham, and Errol Sporer
Reports from 2017
Statewide survey of boat-based recreational fishing in Western Australia 2015/16, Karina L. Ryan, Norman G. Hall, Eva K. Lai, Claire B. Smallwood, S.M Taylor, and Brent Stephen
Framework for Integration of Data from Remotely Operated Cameras into Recreational Fishery Assessments in Western Australia, Aldo S. Steffe, S.M Taylor, Stuart Blight, Karina L. Ryan, Cameron J. Desfosses, Alissa Tate, Claire B. Smallwood, Eva K. Lai, Fabian I. Trinnie, and Brent S. Wise
Demographic performance of brownlip abalone : exploration of wild and cultured harvest potential, Lachlan W.S. Strain, Alexander Hesp, Frank Fabris, and Anthony M. Hart
Adopting a Citizen Science approach to develop cost-effective methods that will deliver annual information for managing small-scale recreational fisheries: The Southwest Recreational Crabbing Project, David Harris, Danielle Johnston, Josh Baker, and Michelle Foster
Spatial and temporal dynamics of Western Australia’s commercially important sharks, Matias Braccini, R. McAuley, and Alastair Harry
Resource Assessment Report Western Rock Lobster Environmental Resources of Western Australia, Lynda M. Bellchambers, Jason R. How, Scott Evans, Matthew B. Pember, Simon de Lestang, and Nick Caputi
Status of southern garfish (Hyporhamphus melanochir) in Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, K Smith, C Dowling, S Mountford, A Hesp, A Howard, and J Brown
Reports from 2016
Measurement of fisheries compliance outcomes : a preliminary national study : FRDC final report, E Price, Roy Melville-Smith, D King, Timothy J. Green, W Dixon, S Lambert, and T Spencer
Review of potential fisheries and marine management impacts on the south-western Australian white shark population, S M. Taylor, J M. Braccini, R McAuley, and Wayne J. Fletcher
Status of inshore demersal scalefish stocks on the south coast of Western Australia. NRM Project 12034 Final Report, Jeffrey Norriss, E.A Fisher, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, Gary Jackson, P.G Coulson, T Leary, and A.W Thompson
Improving efficiency in generating submissions and consistency of outcomes for Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) based assessments, Warrick Fletcher, Daniel J. Gaughan, and Lynda Bellchambers Dr
An update of the Department of Fisheries, Western Australia, Invertebrate and Reef Health Research and Monitoring at Cocos (Keeling) Islands, S.N Evans, N Konzewitsch, and Lynda Bellchambers Dr
Evaluation of passive acoustic telemetry approaches for monitoring and mitigating shark hazards off the coast of Western Australia, R. McAuley, Barry Bruce, Ian S. Keay, S Mountford, and Tania Pinnell
White shark research report Q and A - based on Fisheries Research Report 273: Evaluation of passive acoustic telemetry approaches for monitoring and mitigating shark hazards off the coast of Western Australia, Department of Fisheries, Western Australia
Bioeconomic evaluation of commercial-scale stock enhancement in abalone, Anthony M. Hart and Lachlan W.S. Strain
Innovative development of the Octopus (cf) tetricus fishery in Western Australia, Anthony M. Hart, Stephen C. Leporati, Ross Marriott, and D. V. Murphy
Reports from 2015
State-wide survey of boat-based recreational fishing in Western Australia 2013/14, K.L. Ryan, N.G. Hall, E.K. Lai, C.B. Smallwood, S.M. Taylor, and B.S. Wise
Effectiveness of mitigation measures to reduce interactions between commercial fishing gear and whales, Jason R. How, D Coughran, J Smith, M Double, J Harrison, J McMath, B Hebiton, and Ainslie Maree Denham
Development of octopus aquaculture Final Report FRDC Project No 2009/206, Sagiv Kolkovski, Justin King, Nicole Watts, M Natale, Adva Mori, R Cammilleri, and C Cammilleri
Development of octopus aquaculture: Rearing, handling and systems design for Octopus tetricus commercial aquaculture FRDC Project No 2009/206, Sagiv Kolkovski, R Cammilleri, Justin King, Nicole Watts, M Natale, and Adva Mori
Seasonal wind patterns around the Western Australian coastline and their application in fisheries analysis, Alan Pearce, Anthony M. Hart, D. V. Murphy, and Hannah Rice
Likelihood of Marine Pest introduction to the Indian Ocean Territories, Justin I. McDonald, Samantha D. Bridgwood, and Mathew Hourston
Management implications of climate change effect on fisheries in Western Australia Part 1: Environmental change and risk assessment FRDC: Project No. 2010/535, Nicolavito Caputi, Ming Feng, Alan Pearce, J Benthuysen, Ainslie M. Denham, Y Hetzel, Gary Jackson, Brett W. Molony, Lindsay M. Joll, and Arani N. Chandrapavan
Management implications of climate change effect on fisheries in Western Australia Part 2: Case studies FRDC Project No. 2010/535, Nicolavito Caputi, Feng Ming, Alan Pearce, J Benthuysen, Ainslie M. Denham, Y Hetzel, R Matear, Gary Jackson, Brett W. Molony, M Lindsay, and Arani N. Chandrapavan
Reports from 2014
Assessing the ecological impact of the western rock lobster fishery in fished and unfished areas Final FRDC Report – Project 2008/013, Lynda B. Bellchambers and Matthew B. Pember
Assessment of blue swimmer crab recruitment and breeding stock levels in the Peel-Harvey Estuary and status of the Mandurah to Bunbury Developing Crab Fishery, D Johnston, A Chandrapavan, B Wise, and N Caputi
Decision-support tools for economic optimization of Western Rock Lobster fishery, Nick Caputi, Simon de Lestang, Chris Reid, Sybrand A. Hesp, Jason How, and Peter Stephenson
A likelihood analysis of the introduction of marine pests to Western Australian ports via commercial vessels, Samantha D. Bridgwood and Justin I. McDonald
Status of demersal finfish stocks on the west coast of Australia, David V. Fairclough, Brett W. Molony, Brett M. Crisafulli, Ian S. Keay, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, and Ross J. Marriott
Identifying factors affecting the low western rock lobster puerulus settlement in recent years Final FRDC Report – Project 2009/18, Nick Caputi, Ming Feng, Simon de Lestang, Ainslie M. Denham, James D. Penn, Dirk Slawinski, Alan Pearce, Evan Weller, and Jason R. How
Potential Eradication and Control Methods for the Management of the Ascidian Didemnum perlucidum in Western Australia, Julieta Muñoz and Justin I. McDonald
Biological synopsis of Australian herring (Arripis georgianus), Kimberley A. Smith and Joshua Brown
Independent observations of catches and subsurface mitigation efficiencies of modified trawl nets for endangered, threatened and protected megafauna bycatch in the Pilbara Fish Trawl Fishery, Corey B. Wakefield, Stuart Blight, Adrian W. Thomson, Clinton Syers, and Shane O'Donoghue
The marine heat wave off Western Australia during the summer of 2010/11 – 2 years on, Nick Caputi, Gary Jackson, and Alan Pearce
Status of the Blue Swimmer Crab Fishery in Shark Bay, Western Australia Fishery Assessment Document, David Harris, Danielle Johnston, Errol Sporer, Mervi Kangas, Felipe Nieves, and Nick Caputi
Reports from 2013
Biology, history, and assessment of Western Australian abalone fisheries, Anthony M. Hart, Frank Fabris, and Nick Caputi
Determination and development of cost effective techniques to monitor recreational catch and effort in Western Australian demersal finfish fisheries: Final Report for FRDC Project 2005/034 and WAMSI Subproject 4.4.3, B S. Wise and W J. Fletcher
Aerial surveys of shore-based recreational fishing in Carnarvon and Shark Bay: June to August 2012, Claire B. Smallwood and Daniel J. Gaughan
An integrated system to survey boat-based recreational fishing in Western Australia 2011/12, Karina L. Ryan, Brent S. Wise, Norman G. Hall, K H. Pollock, Elena H. Sulin, and Daniel J. Gaughan
Status of nearshore finfish stocks in south-western Western Australia: Part 1: Australian herring, Kimberley A. Smith, Joshua Brown, Paul Lewis, Chris Dowling, A Howard, Rod J. Lenanton, and Brett Molony
Status of nearshore finfish stocks in south-western Western Australia: Part 2: Tailor, Kimberley A. Smith, Joshua Brown, Paul D. Lewis, C Dowling, A Howard, R CJ Lenanton, and Brett W. Molony