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This document provides a cumulative description and assessment of the TDER and all of the fishing activities (i.e. fisheries / fishing sectors) affecting this resource in WA. Future Resource Assessment Reports will assess the Statewide Sharks and Rays Resource. The report is focused on the temperate indicator species (whiskery, gummy, dusky and sandbar sharks) used to assess the suites of demersal sharks and rays that comprise this resource. These species are primarily captured by demersal gillnets used in the TDGDLF that operate in the West Coast and South Coast Bioregions. For the North Coast bioregion, no commercial fishing for sharks has been reported since 2008-09 by the Northern Shark Fisheries (NSF). The report contains information relevant to assist the assessment of the resource against Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act export approval requirements (i.e. Wildlife Trade Operations, WTO), the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Fishing and for other reporting requirements (e.g. Status of Australian Fish Stocks, SAFS).





Publication Date



Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development




Fisheries Management, Aquaculture, Demersal scalefish, Commercial Fishing, Recreational FishingTemperate Demersal Elasmobranch


Applied Statistics | Aquaculture and Fisheries | Biodiversity | Biology | Biostatistics | Categorical Data Analysis | Community-Based Research | Demography, Population, and Ecology | Design of Experiments and Sample Surveys | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Environmental Health | Environmental Policy | Environmental Studies | Fresh Water Studies | Genetics | Immunology and Infectious Disease | Institutional and Historical | Longitudinal Data Analysis and Time Series | Marine Biology | Natural Resource Economics | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Nutrition | Oceanography | Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation | Population Biology | Public Policy | Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration | Research Methods in Life Sciences | Social Control, Law, Crime, and Deviance | Statistical Methodology | Statistical Models | Sustainability | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Resource Assessment Report Temperate Demersal Elasmobranch Resource of Western Australia

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