Publication Date
Series Number
No. 6
Fisheries Department Perth Western Australia.
The King George Sound Purse Seine Fishery Working Group was formed to investigate the purse seine (mainly mulie) fishery in King George Sound and advise the Minister for Fisheries on options for future management. The fishery in King George Sound is unlike most fisheries because the fish stock (pilchards) which is exploited is part of a very extensive stock located right around the south and north west coast of Western Australia. Only relatively small portion of the total stock of pilchard enter King George Sound and comes under the very high exploitation there. The Working Group has proposed to the Minister of Fisheries that the King George Sound Purse Seine Fishery be made a Limited Entry Fishery.
Number of Pages
Pelagic fisheries, Sardinops neopilchardus, Fishery management, King George Sound - Western Australia
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Policy | Population Biology
Recommended Citation
Brown, R S.
(1986), The King George Sound Purse Seine Fishery Working Group report by the Chairman Mr. R. S. Brown to the Minister for Fisheries.. Fisheries Department Perth Western Australia., Perth. Report No. 6.
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