Publication Date
Series Number
Fisheries Management Paper No. 309
State of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)
The Minister for Fisheries (Minister) intends to transition the South Coast Trawl Fishery (SCTF) to formal management by determining a management plan for the fishery in accordance with section 54(1) of the Fish Resources Management Act 1994 (FRMA).
Section 54(1) of FRMA provides for the Minister to determine by instrument in writing published in the Government Gazette, a management plan for a fishery. Not less than two months prior to determining a management plan, the Minister must, in accordance with section 64(2) of FRMA, prepare a draft of the plan and by notice in the Gazette, state their intent to determine a management plan for a fishery and invite interested persons to comment on the draft plan.
Persons interested in commenting on the draft management plan can make representations to the Minister in accordance with the information included in the notice. All representations made regarding a draft management plan will be considered by the Minister prior to determining the management plan.
Number of Pages
South Coast, Scallop, Managed Fishery
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Monitoring
Recommended Citation
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia.
(2024), Draft Management Plan for the South Coast Scallop Managed Fishery. State of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development), Perth. Report Fisheries Management Paper No. 309.
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