Publication Date
Series Number
No. 2
Fisheries Department Perth Western Australia.
In 1975, amendments to the Fisheries Act provided for the licensing and control of commercial fish farming activities and , for specific declared species, further controls on their processing and marketing. To date, marron has been the only species to be declared a "farm fish". During the last decade, much of the State's aquaculture impetus has focused on marron although more recently greater attention has been directed towards trout, yabbies and freshwater aquarium fish species. On November 19, 1984, the Marron Growers Association of Western Australia (Inc) wrote to the Minister for Fisheries and Wildlife, seeding a general review of legislative provisions for freshwater aquaculture and licensing policies, following the experience of a decade of fish farming on marron.
Number of Pages
Aquaculture regulations, Fish culture, Marron, Fish farming.
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Population Biology
Recommended Citation
Rogers, P.
(1986), The report of the Fish Farming Legislative Review Committee.. Fisheries Department Perth Western Australia., Perth. Report No. 2.
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Aquaculture and Fisheries Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Population Biology Commons