Publication Date


Series Number

No. 237


Department of Fisheries Western Australia




The Minister for Fisheries established the Integrated Fisheries Management Allocation Advisory Committee (IFAAC), under Section 42 of the Fish Resources Management Act 1994 (FRMA), in 2004 to investigate IFM resource allocation issues and make recommendations to him on optimal resource use.

The IFAAC has prepared this report, which documents the committee’s initial position on allocations for the west coast demersal scalefish resource, along with the reasons for its conclusions as a basis for widespread community consultation. This report follows the IFAAC’s preliminary investigation of the west coast demersal scalefish resource sharing issues and consultation with stakeholders.

Number of Pages



West Coast Bioregion, Fisheries Western Australia, Catch statistics, Recreational fishery statistics, Fishery statistics, Artisanal fishing, Australian aborigines, Snapper, Pagrus auratus, Baldchin groper, Choerodon rubescens, West Australian dhufish, Glaucosoma hebraicum, Sillaginodes punctata, King george whiting, Allocation systems, Fishery management, Fishery policy, Quota regulations, West Coast marine bioregion - Western Australia


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Natural Resource Economics


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