Fisheries Research Articles
Tag-recapture of the Narrownose smooth-hound (Mustelus schmitti) in Buenos Aires Coastal Ecosystem (Argentina)
Document Type
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Journal Title
Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS)
ISSN Online 2683-7951
Conventional tags, Argentine Sea, Narrownose smooth-hound, Mustelus schmitti
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Behavior and Ethology | Data Science | Marine Biology | Natural Resource Economics | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Population Biology | Spatial Science | Survival Analysis | Sustainability
The present work refers to the first results obtained on tagging and recapture in the Narrownose smooth-hound, Mustelus schmitti, along the Coastal Ecosystem off Buenos Aires Province (BCE) with the aim of describing their migratory movements. This shark is relevant not only because of its high abundance throughout the BCE but also for its commercial significance for the Argentinian trawling fishing fleet. Between November 2010 and May 2011 2,483 specimens were tagged in a marine sector known as “El Rincón”, near Monte Hermoso (Buenos Aires Province), using an artisanal fishery vessel belonging to the local fleet as a platform. Fourty-three specimens were recaptured between 2010 and 2013. From the recapture data collected in this study, patterns of movement, migration, spatial and temporal distribution were established and related to the life cycle of the species. Our results evidenced that both juveniles and adults make extensive use of coastal areas, exhibiting low levels of phylopatry. This is the traditional model proposed for small sharks, such as the Narrownose smooth-hound. However, their reproductive aspects fit better with the model indicated for large sharks. Therefore, Narrownose smooth-hound behaviour would seem to include features corresponding to both modalities, i.e. with fidelity for the breeding sites albeit without evidence of phylopathy.
** Please note this article is in Spanish
Recommended Citation
Pérez, M., Braccini, M. and Cousseau, M. B. (2020) “Tag-recapture of the Narrownose smooth-hound (Mustelus schmitti) in Buenos Aires Coastal Ecosystem (Argentina) ”, Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS), 33(1), pp. 21–52. doi: 10.47193/mafis.3312020061802.