Fisheries Research Articles

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Scientific Reports




Biodiversity, Marine biology, subsea pipelines, soft sediment habitats, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Western Australia


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Marine Biology


Offshore decommissioning activities are expected to increase as oil and gas subsea infrastructure becomes obsolete. Decisions on decommissioning alternatives will benefit from quantifying and understanding the marine communities associated with these structures. As a case study, fish assemblages associated with an inshore network of subsea pipelines located on the North West shelf of Western Australia were compared to those in surrounding natural reef and soft sediment habitats using remotely operated vehicles fitted with a stereo-video system (stereo-ROVs). The number of species, the abundance, biomass, feeding guild composition and the economic value of fishes were compared among habitats. The community composition of fish associated with pipelines was distinct from those associated with natural habitats, and was characterised by a greater abundance and/or biomass of fish from higher trophic levels (e.g. piscivores, generalist carnivores and invertivores), including many species considered to be of value to commercial and recreational fishers. Biomass of fish on pipelines was, on average, 20 times greater than soft sediments, and was similar to natural reefs. However, the biomass of species considered important to fisheries recorded on the pipelines was, on average 3.5 times greater than reef and 44.5 times greater than soft sediment habitats. This study demonstrates that fish assemblages on the pipeline infrastructure exhibit high ecological and socioeconomic values.

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