Improving farming system profitability, management of greenhouse gas emissions and climate resilience in the low and medium rainfall zones of WA: Grower Perspectives

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Grains Research and Development Corporation




  • Growers and industry in low and medium rainfall areas of the WA grainbelt were consulted to provide insight into key decisions around early sowing, system break options and understanding of greenhouse gas emissions on-farm.
  • In all regions, soil moisture is a primary driver of seeding decisions. This is balanced against managing the impact of heat and moisture stress in the establishment window and the risk of frost, heat stress and terminal drought during grain fill.
  • There was widespread interest in exploring system break options that are profitable and reliable.
  • Growers want to understand the assumptions underpinning greenhouse gas emission accounting and the systems in place to measure and reward actions towards reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Feedback from this consultation has been used to guide the focus activities of the Western Australian Farming Systems DPIRD-GRDC 5-year co-investment.


Agricultural Science | Agronomy and Crop Sciences


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