Seed coatings with various surfactants and glues to improve crop establishment on water repellent soils

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Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)




  • In a decile one seasonal condition which occurred in 2017 there was a large expression of poor crop establishment by to water repellency and substantial benefit from the use of seeds coated and banded surfactants (Anderson et al. 2018). In contrast, in a decile three seasonal conditions which occurred in 2018 were less conducive to repellence expression and apart from some improvement in canola establishment no benefits were measured
  • There was some evidence of reduced wheat establishment from one surfactant coating, however this did not impact on final grain yield and there was no evidence of toxic effects from any of the other surfactants used.
  • Project experimental results to date have demonstrated that coating grain with surfactants for crops grown on repellent soils can be beneficial but that this will depend on season and will likely have more value for earlier sowing on more strongly repellent soils.


Seed coatings, surfactants, glue, crop establishment, water repellent, soils


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science


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