Yield loss from crown rot of wheat, barley and oat varieties at two sowing dates - National Crown Rot Program, Wongan Hills 2018 - Local Research and Development Results 2018/2019

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LiEBE Group


No significant yield losses to applied crown rot inoculum were measured in the milling oat varieties considered, while wheat and barley varieties showed up to 24% and 11% yield losses, respectively.

While sowing date affected the grain yield of some wheat and barley varieties, the oat varieties considered showed no significant response to sowing date in this experiment.

The application of crown rot inoculum reduced the yield of all crop types in both sowing dates, with the magnitude of losses exacerbated with delayed planting.

To minimise the level of yield loss from crown rot, determine the levels of inoculum present prior to sowing and if required, choose a wheat or barley variety that has lower yield loss to crown rot if sowing back into cereal.

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Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity


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