Rhizoctonia solani AG8 New breakthroughs in control and management

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Grains Research and Development Corporation


  • The next generation of control options for Rhizoctonia solani (AG8), the causal agent of Rhizoctonia root rot, is in-furrow liquid injection. The efficacy of banding two new fungicides, Uniform® and EverGol® Prime, was evaluated as an alternative to seed treatments across three years of trials conducted in Western Australia (WA) by DAFWA and in South Australia (SA) by SARDI.
    • Uniform® applied either by liquid banding or coated fertiliser has been registered to control Rhizoctonia. Liquid banding treatments, including the split application of in-furrow and on the surface, produced greater and more consistent yield responses than Vibrance® seed treatment. Dual banding of Uniform® in-furrow 3-4 cm below the seed and on the surface behind the press wheel gave the most consistent yield and root health responses across seasons. Responses in barley were greater than wheat.
    • Yield responses achieved by banding EverGol® Prime in-furrow were not significantly different from EverGol® Prime seed treatments using comparable rates (gai). However, banding EverGol® Prime in-furrow combined with EverGol® Prime seed treatment resulted in better overall root health than in-furrow or seed only treatments.
  • Rotation with canola, or a clean fallow, greatly reduce the inoculum of Rhizoctonia in soils and will benefit the following cereal crop. Barley, on the other-hand, significantly increases inoculum.
  • Sub-seed furrow loosening is a well-established practice which reduces the effect of the disease.


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity


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