Nitrogen responses of canola in low to medium rainfall environments of Western Australia
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Crop and Pasture Science
Print: 1836-0947 Electronic: 1836-5795
canola, hybrid, nitrogen, open pollinated, timing, triazine tolerant, RoundupReady.
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Plant Breeding and Genetics
Canola (Brassica napus L.) is widely grown throughout all rainfall zones in south-western Australia. Yields are low by world standards, and variable in low-rainfall (<350 mm annual rainfall) and medium-rainfall (350–450 mm) zones, so that minimising production costs is a major consideration for growers in these areas. One of the major input costs is nitrogen (N) fertiliser. Fifteen N rate × application time × canola plant-type experiments were conducted in the low- and medium-rainfall zones between 2012 and 2014. In most experiments, five rates of N were tested, of ranges 0–75, 0–100, or 0–150 kg N/ha. Nitrogen was applied at four different times (seeding, or 4, 8 or 12 weeks after sowing) or split between these timings. Each experiment compared triazine-tolerant (TT), open-pollinated (OP) canola with Roundup Ready (RR) hybrid canola, and one experiment included TT hybrid and RR OP canola types. On average, RR hybrid produced 250 kg/ha, or 23% more seed and 2.2% more oil than TT OP canola, and the average gross margin of RR hybrid was AU$65/ha more than TT OP. However, seed yield and gross margin differences between RR hybrid and TT OP canola were reduced when seed yields were <1400 kg/ha. Canola growth (dry matter) and seed yield responded positively to N fertiliser in most experiments, with 90% of maximum seed yield achieved at an average of 46 kg N/ha (s.e. 6). However, 90% of maximum gross margin was achieved at a lower average N rate of 17 kg N/ha, due primarily to the relatively small yield increase compared with the reduction in concentration of oil in the seed with N applied. Because canola growers of south-western Australia are now paid an uncapped premium for canola grain with oil concentration >42%, decreases in oil percentage have a significant financial effect, and recommended rates of N should be lower than those calculated to optimise seed yield. In 80% of cases, the first 10 kg N/ha applied provided a return on investment in N >$1.50 for every $1 invested. The next 20 kg N/ha applied provided a return on investment of $1.25 for every $1 invested 80% of the time, and further increases would most likely break even. The timing of N application had a minor effect on yield, oil and financial returns, but delaying N application would allow farmers to reduce risk under poor conditions by reducing or eliminating further inputs. Overall, our work demonstrates that a conservative approach to N supply mindful of the combined impacts of N on yield and oil is necessary in south-western Australia and that split and delayed applications are a viable risk-management strategy.
Recommended Citation
Seymour Mark, Sprigg Sally, French Bob, Bucat Jackie, Malik Raj, Harries Martin (2016) Nitrogen responses of canola in low to medium rainfall environments of Western Australia. Crop and Pasture Science 67, 450-466.