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Journal Title

Plant Pathology


Print: 0032-0862 Electronic: 1365-3059


Agronomy and Crop Sciences


Cultivar disease resistance ratings to nodorum blotch (caused by Parastagonospora nodorum) provide critical information to growers to assist with disease management. However, less has been done in terms of yield losses from diseases under different cultivar resistance scenarios. The purpose of this study was to characterize yield and quality loss responses to wheat nodorum blotch as influenced by variety partial resistance, epidemic intensity, and environment. The trial series includes four site/years in Western Australia. Five varieties, Magenta, Calingiri, Trojan, Janz, and Scout were used for all four trials. These varieties represented resistant/susceptible categories MRMS, MS, MSS, S, and SVS, respectively, and were selected on the basis that they were adapted to the western region, had similar maturities, and were resistant to diseases that were potential contaminants. Trials were sown in a strip-plot design with three replicates and five disease levels, with intersecting main-plots of varieties and disease levels, which facilitated comparisons across disease levels within varieties. Current categories of resistance were well reflected in yield and quality responses. A negative exponential relationship was observed between yield and disease, with a nonlinear yield loss function for both flag leaf and glume infection. This indicates that yield is most affected during early stages of disease on flag leaves and glumes. The functional form of yield loss response over four site years was similar among varieties, but varieties differed in their extent of disease expression. Partial resistance in commercial wheat varieties reduced yield loss by 40%–60% of losses observed in susceptible varieties.

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