Hypoxia Induces Membrane Depolarization and Potassium Loss from Wheat Roots but does not Increase their Permeability to Sorbitol
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Journal of Experimental Botany
Print: 0022-0957 Electronic: 1460-2431
Hypoxia, membrane integrity, membrane potentials, seminal and crown roots
Agronomy and Crop Sciences
This paper deals with the responses of roots of wheat {Triticum aestivum L.) to hypoxia with special emphasis on the effects of severe O2 deficiency on membrane integrity, loss of K+ from the root and root membrane potentials.
Seminal and crown roots of 26-d-old plants exposed to severe hypoxia (0.003 mol O2 m−3) for 3 h or 10 d prior to excision and subsequently exposed to hypoxic solutions, had slightly lower rates of sorbitol influx and a slightly smaller apparent free space than roots in aerated solutions. These results indicate that neither a few hours nor a 10-d exposure to hypoxia had adverse effects on the membrane integrity of the bulk of the cells in the roots. However, both 6-d-old seedlings and 26-d-old plants lost K+ from the roots following their transfer from aerated to hypoxic nutrient solutions. In the 26-d-old plants, which were of high nutritional status, there was a net K+ efflux from the roots to the external solution. In contrast, with the 6-d-old seedlings, which were of low nutritional status, the decrease in the K+ content of the roots was smaller than the net K+ uptake to the shoots.
Exposure of excised roots to 0.008 mol O2 m−3caused a rapid and reversible membrane depolarization from −120 to −–80 mV. These data and the magnitude of the net effluxes strongly suggest that K+ losses during the early stages of hypoxia are due to membrane depolarization rather than to increases in the permeability of membranes to K +.
Recommended Citation
F. BUWALDA, C. J. THOMSON, W. STEIGNER, E. G. BARRETT-LENNARD, J. GIBBS, H. GREENWAY, Hypoxia Induces Membrane Depolarization and Potassium Loss from Wheat Roots but does not Increase their Permeability to Sorbitol, Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 39, Issue 9, September 1988, Pages 1169–1183, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/39.9.1169