Crop Updates 2006 - Geraldton


David Stephens, Department of Agriculture
Michael Meuleners, Department of Agriculture
Tony Smith, Plum Grove Commodity Trading Solutions
Peter Tozer, Department of Agriculture
David Bowran, Department of AgricultureFollow
Peter Burges, Agritech Crop Research
Geoff Thomas, Department of Agriculture
Bill MacLeod, Department of Agriculture
Ken Adcock, Department of AgricultureFollow
Katie Bell, Department of Agriculture
Ciara Beard, Department of AgricultureFollow
Anne Amith, Department of Agriculture
Vivien Vanstone, Department of Agriculture
C. R. Newman, Department of Agriculture
Gabrielle Coupland, Co-operative Bulk HandlingFollow
Ern Kostos, Cooperative Bulk Handling
Peter Newman, Department of Agriculture
Glenn Adam, Department of AgricultureFollow
Caroline Peek, Department of Agriculture
Nadine Eva, Department of AgricultureFollow
Chris Carter, Department of AgricultureFollow
Megan Abrahams, Department of AgricultureFollow
Tim Wiley, Department of Agriculture
Dean Revell, CSIRO
Anne Findlay, Department of Environment
Stephen Davies, Department of AgricultureFollow
Chris Gazey, Department of AgricultureFollow
Bob Gilkes, University of Western AustraliaFollow
Dan Evans, University of Western AustraliaFollow
Tania Liaghati, University of Western Australia
Mark Sweetingham, Department of Agriculture
Roger Jones, Department of Agriculture
Nichole Burges, Department of AgricultureFollow
Tony Rosser, Great Northern Rural
Owen Mann, Great Northan Rural
Marnie Thomas, Department of Agriculture
Wayne Parker, Department of Agriculture
Andrew Blake, Department of AgricultureFollow
Jason Craig, Cooperative Bulk Handling
Mark Tucek, Cooperative Bulk Handling
Anne Wilkins, Department of Agriculture
Nathan Hancock, Department of Agriculture
Sue Sutherland, Department of Agriculture
Darshan Sharma, Department of AgricultureFollow
Lionel Martin, Muresk Institute, Curtin University of Technology
Jeff Russell, Department of Agriculture
Angie Roe, Farm Focus Consultants
James Eyres, Farm Focus ConsultantsFollow
Alaina Smith, Department of Agriculture
Blakely Paynter, Department of Agriculture
Andrea Hills, Department of AgricultureFollow

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Department of Agriculture



Publication Date



Forecasting, rainfall, weather, climate, outlook, supplies, estimates, gross margins, prices, costs, varieties, breeding, National Variety Testing, wheat, yield, ACAS, lupins, root rot, hypocotyl rot, crop rotation, stored grain, grain insects, phosphine gas, extension, Phosure, resistance, education, fumigation, sealed storage, focus paddocks, ryegrass, wild radish, IWM Integrated Weed Management, phase pastures, shielded sprayer, stocking rate, herbicide resistance, lupin yields, profitability, selective grazing, palatability, grazing behaviour, Environmental Protection Act, clearing native vegetation, subsoil constraints, acidity, liming, compaction, deep ripping, Phoma blight (Phoma schneiderae), fungal pathogen, seed borne, green bridge, mite-borne, wheat leaf curl mite (Aceria tosichella), delayed sowing, variable rate technology, zone management, precision agriculture, ARGT, risk management, Anguina funests, Rathayibacter toxicus, biosecurity, SafeGuard, twist fungus, Mandelup, molecular marker, WALAN2173M, biserrula, pasture legume, economic analysis, STEP, lupin food and feed, nutritional composition, biofuels, crude oil prices, emissions, genetically modified crops (GM crops), productivity, sustainability, nitrogen splitting, nutrient leaching, sandy soils, potassium, cereals, barley, malting, feed grade


Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Plant Breeding and Genetics | Plant Pathology | Soil Science | Veterinary Toxicology and Pharmacology | Weed Science


This session covers twenty six papers from different authors

  1. 2006 Seasonal Outlook, David Stephens and Michael Meuleners, Department of Agriculture

  2. 2006 Wheat Market Outlook, Tony Smith, Plum Grove Commodity Trading Solutions

  3. Will Budgets Change in 2006? Peter Tozer, Department of Agriculture

  4. Wheat varieties – what does the industry need and how do we get closer? David Bowran Department of Agriculture

  5. Performance of Wheat Varieties in National Variety Testing (NVT) WA, Peter Burges, Agritech Crop Research

  6. Survey of lupin root health (in major production areas), Geoff Thomas, Bill MacLeod, Ken Adcock, Katie Bell, Ciara Beard and Anne Smith, Department of Agriculture

  7. Managing root disease under intensive cropping, Bill MacLeod, and Vivien Vanstone, Department of Agriculture

  8. Investigation into the adequacy OF SEALED FARM SILOS IN Western Australia to control phosphine-resistant Rhyzopertha dominica, C.R. Newman, Department of Agriculture

  9. Phosure – Extending the Life of Phosphine, Gabrielle Coupland and Ern Kostos, Cooperative Bulk Handling

  10. IWM performs over 5 years in 33 focus paddocks, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture

  11. Maintaining wheat and lupin yields using phase pastures and shielded sprayers to manage increasing herbicide resistance, Caroline Peek, Nadine Eva, Chris Carter and Megan Abrahams, Department of Agriculture

  12. Can sheep selectively graze weeds out of crops? A model for using sheep rather than chemicals, Tim Wiley, Department of Agriculture and Dean Revell, CSIRO Livestock

  13. Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004, Anne Finlay, Department of Environment

  14. What lies beneath? – Understanding constraints to productivity below the soil surface, Stephen Davies and Chris Gazey, Department of Agriculture, Bob Gilkes, Dan Evans and Tania Liaghati, University of Western Australia

  15. Phoma blight (P. schneiderae), a risk for WA lupins? Geoff Thomas and Mark Sweetingham, Department of Agriculture

  16. The 2005 Wheat streak mosaic virus epidemic in New South Wales and the threat posed to the Western Australian wheat industry, Roger Jones and Nichole Burges, Department of Agriculture

  17. Zone Management for fun and Profit, Department of Agriculture, Tony Rosser and Owen Mann, Great Northern Rural

  18. Annual Ryegrass Toxicity (ARGT) – How to manage the Risk, Marnie Thomas, Department of Agriculture

  19. The future of lupin varieties, Wayne Parker, Department of Agriculture

  20. Analysis of a wheat-pasture rotation in the 330mm annual rainfall zone using the STEP model, Andrew Blake and Caroline Peek, Department of Agriculture

  21. Value Added Opportunities for Lupins in High Value Feed and Food Markets, Jason Craig and Mark Tucek, Cooperative Bulk Handling

  22. An overview of the potential for a Biofuels Industry in Western Australia, Anne Wilkins and Nathan Hancock, Department of Agriculture

  23. The GMO Picture – a Reality Check, Dr Sue Sutherland, Department of Agriculture

  24. Nitrogen applied in splits rather than all applied at seeding returns higher gross income from wheat cropped on a leaching sandy soil at Muresk (Central agricultural region), Darshan Sharma, Department of Agriculture and Lionel Martin, Muresk Institute, Curtin University of Technology

  25. Potassium response in cereal cropping within the medium rainfall central wheatbelt, Jeff Russell, Department of Agriculture, Angie Roe and James Eyres Farm Focus consultants

  26. Western Region Barley Variety Guide2006, Alaina Smith, Blakely Paynter and Andrea Hills, Department of Agriculture


Please cite papers individually

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