
Steve Penny Jr, Department of Agriculture and Food,
Robin Wilson, Department of AgricultureFollow
Iian Barclay, Department of AgricultureFollow
Robyn McLean, Department of Agriculture
Robert Loughman, Department of Agriculture
Jenny Garlinge, Department of AgricultureFollow
Bill Lambe, Department of Agriculture
Neil Venn, Department of Agriculture
Peter Clarke, Department of AgricultureFollow
Wal Anderson, Department of AgricultureFollow
Raffaele De Cima, Department of Agriculture
James Bee, Department of Agriculture
Darshan Sharma, Department of AgricultureFollow
Sheena Lyon, Department of Agriculture
Melaine Kupsch, Department of Agriculture
Mohammad Amjad, Department of AgricultureFollow
Pam Burgess, Department of AgricultureFollow
Veronika Reck, Department of Agriculture
Brenda Shackley, Department of Agriculture
Ray Tugwell, Department of Agriculture
Bindi Webb, Department of Agriculture
Robert Park, University of Sydney
Daya Patabendige, Department of Agriculture
Phil Michael, Department of Agriculture
Debbie Thackray, Department of Agriculture
Jenny Hawkes, Department of AgricultureFollow
Roger Jones, Department of Agriculture
David Stephens, Department of Agriculture
Bob French, Department of AgricultureFollow
Laurie Wahlsten, Department of Agriculture
Glen Riethmuller, Department of Agriculture
M. Bolland, Department of AgricultureFollow
P. White, Department of Agriculture
T. Khan, Department of Agriculture
Kevin Walden, Department of Agriculture
Ravjit Khangura, Department of AgricultureFollow
Martin J. Barbetti, Department of AgricultureFollow
Graham Walton, Department of Agriculture
Françoise Berlandier, Department of AgricultureFollow
Paul Carmody, Department of AgricultureFollow
Christiaan Valentine, Department of Agriculture
Roy Latter, Department of Agriculture
Keith Devenish, Department of AgricultureFollow
Bill Bowden, Department of AgricultureFollow
Michael O'Connell, Department of Agriculture
Chris Gazey, Department of AgricultureFollow
David Gartner, Department of AgricultureFollow
Caroline Peek, Department of Agriculture
David Rogers, Department of Agriculture
Greg Shea, GrainGuard CoordinatorFollow
George Yan, Biological and Resource Technology
Alexandra Douglas, Department of AgricultureFollow
Sally Peltzer, Department of Agriculture
Paul Matson, Department of Agriculture
David Minkey, Department of Agriculture
Clinton Revell, Department of Agriculture
Giles Glasson, Department of AgricultureFollow
Dean Thomas, University of Western Australia
Aik Cheam, Department of AgricultureFollow
Siew Lee, Department of Agriculture
Mike Clarke, Aventis Crop ScienceFollow
Peter Newman, Department of Agriculture
Glenn Adam, Department of AgricultureFollow

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Department of Agriculture



Publication Date



Wyalkatchem variety, yield, herbicide tolerance, acid soils, boron toxic soils, disease resistance, new markets, wheat exports, time of sowing, responsiveness to nitrogen (N), plant densities, stem rust, Camm wheat, cereal volunteers, seed vigour, germination, field emergence, cereal aphid, feeding damage, threshold, BYDV, aphids, model, decision support system, forecasting, rainfall, weather, outlook, Lupins, grain protein, crop management, Potash, nutrition, cultivars, lupins, seed moisture contents, harvest losses, Phosphorus (P), field pea. Canola, wheat, diamondback moth (DBM) (Plutella xylostella), fungal disease, resistance to insecticides, cost effectiveness, blackleg resistance, rating systems, multiple spray treatments, oilseed production, lucerne, rotations, dryland, production, nutritional status, fertiliser, phosphorus deficiency, nitrogen, burnt windrows, Lime, soil acidity, deep banding, bio-economic modelling, farming system, established systems, economics, model, ARGT, Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), bacterium (Rathayibacter toxicus), nematode, Dilophospora alopecuri: Twist fungus, integrated weed management, herbicide resistance, seed set, weed seedbank, tillage, emergence, seeding rates, row spacing, wild radish, weed suppression, pasture, legume, biserrula, grazing, Group F chemicals, Spray.Seed®, glyphosate, grass weeds, knockdown


Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Entomology | Other Plant Sciences | Plant Pathology | Weed Science


This session covers twenty seven papers from different authors:

1. Taking the Why out of Wyalkatchem – the new widely adapted wheat variety, Steve Penny Jr, Department of Agriculture

2. Future wheat varieties, Robin Wilson, Iain Barclay,Robyn McLean, Robert Loughman, Jenny Garlinge, Bill Lambe, Neil Venn and Peter Clarke

Department of Agriculture

3. Maximising wheat variety performance through agronomic management, Wal Anderson, Raffaele Del Cima, James Bee, Darshan Sharma, Sheena Lyon, Melaine Kupsch, Mohammad Amjad, Pam Burgess, Veronika Reck, Brenda Shackley, Ray Tugwell, Bindi Webb and Steve Penny Jr

Department of Agriculture

4. Cereal rust update 2002 – a new stem rust on Camm wheat, Robert Loughman1and Robert Park2 1Department of Agriculture, 2University of Sydney

5. Influence of nutrition and environmental factors on seed vigour in wheat, Darshan Sharma, Wal Anderson and Daya Patabendige, Department of Agriculture

6. Cereal aphids and direct feeding damage to cereals, Phil Michael, Department of Agriculture

7. A decision support system for control of aphids and BYDV in cereal crops, Debbie Thackray, Jenny Hawkes and Roger Jones, Department of Agriculture and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture

8. Summary of 2001 weather and seasonal prospects for 2002, David Stephens, Department of Agriculture

9. Towards a management package for grain protein in lupins, Bob French, Senior Research Officer, Department of Agriculture

10. Lupin genotypes respond differently to potash, Bob French and Laurie Wahlsten, Senior Research Officer and Technical Officer, Department of Agriculture

11. Time of harvest for improved seed yield of pulses, G. Riethmuller and B. French, Department of Agriculture

12. Comparing the phosphorus requirement of field pea and wheat, M. Bolland and P. White, Department of Agriculture Western Australia

13. Field pea variety evaluation, T. Khan, Department of Agriculture Western Australia

14. Diamondback moth (DBM) in canola, Kevin Walden, Department of Agriculture

15. WA blackleg resistance ratings on canola varieties for 2002, Ravjit Khangura, Martin J. Barbetti and Graham Walton, Department of Agriculture

16. The effect of single or multiple spray treatments on the control of Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) and yield of canola at Wongan Hills, Françoise Berlandier, Paul Carmody and Christiaan Valentine, Department of Agriculture

17. Perennial pastures in annual cropping systems: Lucerne and beyond, Roy Latta and Keith Devenish, Department of Agriculture

18. Nutrition in 2002: Decisions to be made as a result of last season, Bill Bowden,Department of Agriculture

19. Profitability of deep banding lime, Michael O'Connell, Chris Gazey and David Gartner, Department of Agriculture

20. Economic comparisons of farming systems for the medium rainfall northern sandplain, Caroline Peek and David Rogers, Department of Agriculture

21. The use of Twist Fungus as a biosecurity measure against Annual Ryegrass Toxicity (ARGT), Greg Shea, GrainGuard Coordinator and George Yan, Biological

and Resource Technology

22. Major outcomes from IWM demonstration sites, Alexandra Douglas, Department of Agriculture

23. Understanding the weed seed bank life of important agricultural weeds, Sally Peltzer and Paul Matson, Department of Agriculture

24. Seeding rate, row spacing and herbicides for weed control, David Minkey, Department of Agriculture

25. Improving weed control in grazed pastures using legumes with low palatability, Clinton Revell and Giles Glasson, Department of Agriculture, Dean Thomas, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Western Australia

26. Group F resistant wild radish: What’s new? Aik Cheam1, Siew Lee1and Mike Clarke2, 1Department of Agriculture WA, 2Aventis Crop Science

27. Knockdown herbicides do not reliably kill small grass weeds, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture


Please cite papers individually
