Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Department of Agriculture and Food



Publication Date



Fallow, continuous wheat, profitable, sustainable, Crop sequences, break crops, integrated cropping systems, rotations, rotations, disease, systems, grain, yield, production constraints, Yield gap, acidity, compaction, water repellence, modelling, mixed-farming, no-till cropping, livestock, interactions, economic analysis, review, climate, wheat, dry seeding, economics, Canola, density, hybrid, herbicide, Unproductive soils, grower survey, carbon, subdivision, Wheat, export, demand, supply, production, quality, Lupin, pasta quality, physicochemical sensory evaluation, Wheat and flour quality, flat bread baking, rapid dough baking, understanding market requirements


Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Food Processing | Plant Biology | Soil Science | Weed Science


This session covers twelve papers from different authors:

1. Fallowing 50% of the farm each year – does it pay? Janette Drew and Rob Grima

Department of Agriculture and Food

2. How crop sequences affect the productivity and resilience of cropping systems in two Western Australian environments, Bob French, Raj Malik, Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture and Food

3. When is continuous wheat or barley sustainable? Christine Zaicou-Kunesch and Rob Grima Department of Agriculture and Food

4. Identifying constraints to bridging the yield gap, Glenn McDonald, Department of Agriculture and Food

5. Land constraints limiting wheat yields in the Bridging the Yield Gap project area, Brendan Nicholas and Dennis van Gool, Department of Agriculture and Food

6. Can livestock have a long-term role in no-till cropping systems? James Fisher1, Peter Tozer2, and Doug Abrecht3, 1Désirée Futures, York, WA, 2PRT Consulting, West Wyalong, NSW and 3Department of Agriculture and Food

7. Pros and cons of dry seeding to counter variable seasonal breaks, Michael Robertson1, Cameron Weeks2, Michael O’Connor1, Doug Abrecht3, Rob Grima3, Peter Newman3, 1CSIRO, 2PlanFarm, 3Department of Agriculture and Food

8. Defining economic optimum plant densities of open pollinated and hybrid canola in WA, Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture and Food

9. Alternative uses for unproductive soils examined in the North Eastern Agricultural Region (NEAR), Mike Clarke and Andrew Blake, Department of Agriculture and Food


10. What the world wants from Australian wheat, Gordon MacAulay, Principal Economist, BRI Australia, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Sydney

11. Effect of lupin flour incorporation on the physical and sensory quality of pasta, Vijay Jayasena1,2 and Syed M. Nasar-Abbas1,2, 1Food Science and Technology, School of Public Health, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, 2Centre for Food and Genomic Medicine

12. Wheat quality requirements for Saudi Arabia: baking quality and blending potential of some Australian exporting grades, Larisa Cato1, Robert Loughman1 and Ken Quail2, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2BRI Australia


Please cite papers individually
