
David Stephens, Department of Agriculture
Nicola Telcik, Department of Agriculture
Ross Kingwell, Department of AgricultureFollow
Wayne Pluske, Nutrient Management Systems
Bill Bowden, Department of Agriculture
Mike Collins, WANTFA
Frances Hoyle, University of Western AustraliaFollow
D. V. Murphy, University of Western Australia
N. Milton, University of Western Australia
M. Osman, University of Western Australia
L. K. Abbott, University of Western AustraliaFollow
W. R. Cookson, University of Western Australia
S. Darmawanto, University of Western Australia
Bill Crabtree, Crabtree Agricultural ConsultingFollow
Geoff Anderson, Department of AgricultureFollow
Darren Kidson, Summit Fertilizers
Ross Brennan, Department of AgricultureFollow
Nick Drew, Fertilizer Industry Federation of Australia (FIFA)
Craig Scanlan, Department of Agriculture
Lisa Sherriff, Department of Agriculture
Bob French, Department of AgricultureFollow
Reg Lunt, Department of Agriculture
Jeff Russell, Department of Agriculture
Angie Roe, Farm Focus Consultants
Ian Maling, Silverfox Solutions
Matthew Adams, DLIFollow
George Yan, BART PTY Ltd
Mohammad Hamza, Department of AgricultureFollow
Glen Riethmuller, Department of Agriculture
Wal Anderson, Department of AgricultureFollow
Angela Loi, Department of Agriculture
Phil Nichols, Department of Agriculture
Clinton Revell, Department of Agriculture
David Ferris, Department of AgricultureFollow
Phil Ward, CSIRO Plant Industry
Andrea Hills, Department of AgricultureFollow
Sally-Anne Penny, Department of Agriculture
David Hall, Department of AgricultureFollow
Michael Robertson, CSIRO Brisbane
Don Gaydon, CSIRO Brisbane
Tress Walmsley, Department of Agriculture
Caroline Peek, Department of Agriculture
Megan Abrahams, Department of AgricultureFollow
Paul Raper, Department of AgricultureFollow
Richard O'Donnell, Department of Agriculture
Trevor Lacey, Department of Agriculture
Meredith Fairbanks, Department of AgricultureFollow
David Tennant, Department of Agriculture
Cameron Weeks, Mingenew-Irwin Group/Planfarm
Richard Quinlan, Planfarm Agronomy
Alexandra Edward, Department of Agriculture
Chris Carter, Department of Agriculture
Doug Hamilton, Department of Agriculture
Peter Tozer, Department of Agriculture
Renaye Horne, Department of Agriculture
Tracey Gianatti, Grower Group Alliance
Paul Carmody, Local Farmer Group Network
Ian Foster, Department of AgricultureFollow
Michele John, CSIRO (formerly Department of Agriculture)
Ross George, Department of AgricultureFollow
Imma Farré, Department of Agriculture
Ian Kininmonth, Department of Agriculture
Dennis van Gool, Department of Agriculture
Neil Coles, Department of Agriculture
Bill Porter, Department of Agriculture
Louise Barton, University of Western AustraliaFollow
Richard Harper, CRC for Greenhouse Accounting and Forest Products CommissionFollow
Peter Ritson, CRC for Greenhouse Accounting and Forest Products Commission
Tony Beck, Tony Beck Consulting Services
Chris Mitchell, CRC for Greenhouse Accounting
Michael Hill, CRC for Greenhouse Accounting
Fiona Barker-Reid, Department of Primary Industries - Victoria
Will Gates, Department of Primary Industries - Victoria
Ken Wilson, Department of Primary Industries - Victoria
Rob Baigent, Department of Primary Industries - Victoria
Ian Galbally, CSIRO Atmospheric Research and CRCGAFollow
Mick Meyer, CSIRO Atmospheric Research and CRCGA
Ian Weeks, CSIRO Atmospheric Research and CRCGA
Traci Griffin, CRC for Greenhouse Accounting
D. Rodriguez
M. Probust
M. Meyers
D. Chen
A. Bennett
W. Strong
R. Nussey
I GalballyFollow
M. Howden

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Department of Agriculture



Publication Date



Forecasting, rainfall, weather, climate, nitrogen, fertiliser, grain prices, profit, stubble, nutrients, potassium, bale, stubble management, burning, carbon, microbial, soil biological attributes, urea, calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), N nitrogen, timing, volatilisation, barley, grain yield, sulphur, phosphorus, potassium, lime, trace elements, sprays, timing, positional availability, Fertilizer Fertcare Advisor Training, species, nutrients, row spacing, sowing rate, row orientation, lupins, tramline farming, variable rate technology, variable rate zones, biomass/NDVI, Precision Agriculture, weigh trailer, yield monitors, cover cropping, brown manuring, annual ryegrass, annual ryegrass toxicity, ARGT, twist fungus, biological control, shallow leading tine, ripper, soil compaction, draft force, pasture legumes, hard seed, farming systems, weed control, LeBuM, salinity, model, summer crop, winter fallowing, soil temperature, moisture, rainfall zones, Lucerne, leakage, sorghum, risk, forage, herbicide resistance, variety release, end point royalties, commercialisation, STEP (Simulated Transitional Economic Planning), decision aid, Land Management Units, salinity, recharge, groundwater, management, calculator, profitability, Computer software programs, strategic and tactical decisions. APSIM, PYCAL, SYN, NULogic, yield forecast, climate, Global ENSO Sequence System (GESS), economics, rotations, inputs, depreciation, cropping, economics, grain, professional development, producers, women, grower groups, communication, collaborative projects, networks, integrated farming systems research, local groups, TopCrop, rainfall trends, climate change, vulnerability, dryland cropping, climate model, crop model, land use suitability, climate forecasting, adaptability, reliability, water, demand, design criteria, greenhouse gas, global warming, nitrous oxide, grain production, environment, carbon dioxide, revegetation, soil mineral N, split applied urea, emissions


Adult and Continuing Education | Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Climate | Environmental Monitoring | Other Education | Plant Biology | Plant Pathology


This session covers forty four papers from different authors:


1. 2005 Outlook, David Stephens and Nicola Telcik, Department of Agriculture


2. The effect of higher nitrogen fertiliser prices on rotation and fertiliser strategies in cropping systems, Ross Kingwell, Department of Agriculture and University of Western Australia

3. Stubble management: The short and long term implications for crop nutrition and soil fertility, Wayne Pluske, Nutrient Management Systems and Bill Bowden, Department of Agriculture

4. Stubble management: The pros and cons of different methods, Bill Bowden, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia and Mike Collins, WANTFA

5. Effect of stubble burning and seasonality on microbial processes and nutrient recycling, Frances Hoyle, The University of Western Australia

6. Soil biology and crop production in Western Australian farming systems, D.V. Murphy, N. Milton, M. Osman, F.C. Hoyle, L.K Abbott, W.R. Cookson and S. Darmawanto, The University of Western Australia

7. Urea is as effective as CAN when no rain for 10 days, Bill Crabtree, Crabtree Agricultural Consulting

8. Fertiliser (N,P,S,K) and lime requirements for wheat production in the Merredin district, Geoff Anderson, Department of Agriculture and Darren Kidson, Summit Fertilizers

9. Trace element applications: Up-front verses foliar? Bill Bowden and Ross Brennan, Department of Agriculture

10. Fertcare®, Environmental Product Stewardship and Advisor Standards for thee Fertiliser Industry, Nick Drew, Fertilizer Industry Federation of Australia (FIFA)


11. Species response to row spacing, density and nutrition, Bill Bowden, Craig Scanlan, Lisa Sherriff, Bob French and Reg Lunt, Department of Agriculture

12. Investigation into the influence of row orientation in lupin crops, Jeff Russell, Department of Agriculture and Angie Roe, Farm Focus Consultants

13. Deriving variable rate management zones for crops, Ian Maling, Silverfox Solutions and Matthew Adams, DLI

14. In a world of Precision Agriculture, weigh trailers are not passé, Jeff Russell, Department of Agriculture

15. Cover crop management to combat ryegrass resistance and improve yields, Jeff Russell, Department of Agriculture and Angie Roe, Farm Focus Consultants

16. ARGT home page, the place to find information on annual ryegrass toxicity on the web, Dr George Yan, BART Pty Ltd

17. Shallow leading tine (SLT) ripper significantly reduces draft force, improves soil tilth and allows even distribution of subsoil ameliorants, Mohammad Hamza, Glen Riethmuller and Wal Anderson, Department of Agriculture


18. New annual pasture legumes for Mediteranean farming systems, Angelo Loi, Phil Nichols, Clinton Revell and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture

19. How sustainable are phase rotations with Lucerne? Phil Ward, CSIRO Plant Industry

20. Management practicalities of summer cropping, Andrea Hills and Sally-Anne Penny, Department of Agriculture

21. Rainfall zone determines the effect of summer crops on winter yields, Andrea Hills, Sally-Anne Penny and David Hall, Department of Agriculture

22. Summer crops and water use, Andrea Hills, Sally-Anne Penny and David Hall, Department of Agriculture, and Michael Robertson and Don Gaydon, CSIRO Brisbane

23. Risk analysis of sorgum cropping, Andrea Hills and Sally-Anne Penny, Department of Agriculture, and Dr Michael Robertson and Don Gaydon, CSIRO Brisbane


24. Variety release and End Point Royalties – a new system? Tress Walmsley, Department of Agriculture

25. Farming system analaysis using the STEP Tool, Caroline Peek and Megan Abrahams, Department of Agriculture

26. The Leakage Calculator: A simple tool for groundwater recharge assessment, Paul Raper, Department of Agriculture

27. The cost of Salinity Calculator – your tool to assessing the profitability of salinity management options, Richard O’Donnell and Trevor Lacey, Department of Agriculture

28. Climate decision support tools, Meredith Fairbanks and David Tennant, Department of Agriculture

29. Horses for courses – using the best tools to manage climate risk, Cameron Weeks, Mingenew-Irwin Group/Planfarm and Richard Quinlan, Planfarm Agronomy

30. Use of seasonal outlook for making N decisions in Merredin, Meredith Fairbanks and Alexandra Edward, Department of Agriculture

31. Forecasts and profits, Benefits or bulldust? Chris Carter and Doug Hamilton, Department of Agriculture

32. A tool to estimate fixed and variable header and tractor depreciation costs, Peter Tozer, Department of Agriculture

33. Partners in grain: ‘Putting new faces in new places’, Renaye Horne, Department of Agriculture

34. Results from the Grower group Alliance, Tracey Gianatti, Grower Group Alliance

35. Local Farmer Group Network – farming systems research opportunities through local groups, Paul Carmody, Local Farmer Group Network


36. Changing rainfall patterns in the grainbelt, Ian Foster, Department of Agriculture

37. Vulnerability of broadscale agriculture to the impacts of climate change, Michele John, CSIRO (formerly Department of Agriculture) and Ross George, Department of Agriculture

38. Impacts of climate change on wheat yield at Merredin, Imma Farré and Ian Foster, Department of Agriculture

39. Climate change, land use suitability and water security, Ian Kininmonth, Dennis van Gool and Neil Coles, Department of Agriculture

40. Nitrous oxide emissions from cropping systems, Bill Porter, Department of Agriculture, Louise Barton, University of Western Australia

41. The potential of greenhouse sinks to underwrite improved land management in Western Australia, Richard Harper and Peter Ritson, CRC for Greenhouse Accounting and Forest Products Commission, Tony Beck, Tony Beck Consulting Services, Chris Mitchell and Michael Hill, CRC for Greenhouse Accounting

42. Removing uncertainty from greenhouse emissions, Fiona Barker-Reid, Will Gates, Ken Wilson and Rob Baigent, Department of Primary Industries - Victoria and CRC for Greenhouse Accounting (CRCGA), and Ian Galbally, Mick Meyer and Ian Weeks, CSIRO Atmospheric Research and CRCGA

43. Greenhouse in Agriculture Program (GIA), Traci Griffin, CRC for Greenhouse Accounting

44. Grains Greenhouse Accounting framework, D. Rodriguez, M. Probust, M. Meyers, D. Chen, A. Bennett, W. Strong, R. Nussey, I. Galbally and M. Howden



Please cite papers individually
