
M. Harries, Department of AgricultureFollow
R. French, Department of AgricultureFollow
I. Pritchard, Department of Agriculture
N. Brandon, Department of Agriculture
N. Runciman, Department of Agriculture
S. White, Department of Agriculture
M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture
P. White, Department of Agriculture
J. Howieson, Murdoch UniversityFollow
R. Yates, Murdoch UniversityFollow
H. Dhammu, Department of AgricultureFollow
T. Piper, Department of Agriculture
T. Khan, Department of Agriculture
K. Regan, Department of Agriculture
N. Suizu, Curtin University of Technology
D. Diepeveen, Department of AgricultureFollow
C. Veitch, Department of Agriculture
J. Palta, CSIRO Plant Industry, University of Western Australia
A. Nandwal, Haryana Agric University, Hisar, India
N. Turner, CSIRO Plant Industry, University of Western Australia
H. Clarke, University of Western AustraliaFollow
G. Dwyer, Murdoch University
H. Loo, Murdoch University
K. Siddique, University of Western Australia
M. Bellgard, Murdoch University
M. Jones, Murdoch University
Glen Riethmuller, Department of Agriculture
B. McLeod, Department of Agriculture
R. Shackles, Department of Agriculture
P. Smith, Department of Agriculture
C. Francis, University of Western AustraliaFollow
M. Bolland, Department of Agriculture
M. Materne, Victorian Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Agriculture Victoria
J. Clements, University of Western AustraliaFollow
C. Hanbury, University of Western AustraliaFollow
R. Matic, South Australian Research and Development Institute
M. Tate, University of Adelaide, Waite Campus
B. Hughes, Pig and Poultry Production Institute, South Australia
B. French, Department of AgricultureFollow
P. Rees, University of Western Australia
J. Galloway, Department of AgricultureFollow
M. Salam, Department of Agriculture
A. Diggle, Department of AgricultureFollow
N. Burges, Department of Agriculture
D. Wright, Department of Agriculture
J. Hawkes, Department of AgricultureFollow
D. Thackray, Department of Agriculture
R. Jones, Department of Agriculture
O. Edwards, CSIRO EntomologyFollow
J. Ridsdill-Smith, CSIRO EntomologyFollow
R. Horbury, CSIRO Entomology
F. Berlandier, Department of AgricultureFollow
O. Byrne, University of Western Australia
D. Hardie, Department of AgricultureFollow
H. Sharma, ICRISAT, Hyderabad
M. de Sousa Majer, Curtin University of Technology
R. Roush, University of Adelaide
R. Morton, CSIRO Plant Industry,
T. Higgins, CSIRO Plant Industry,

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Department of Agriculture



Publication Date



Pulse, faba bean, Kabuli chickpea, Desi chickpea, Field pea, Lentil, Vetch, Narbon bean, Lathyrus, germplasm, herbicide tolerance, phosphorus, pea weevil, ascochyta blight, aphids, feeding trials


Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Entomology | Other Plant Sciences | Plant Breeding and Genetics | Plant Pathology


This session covers seventy one papers from different authors:





2. Northern Agricultural Region, M. Harries, Department of Agriculture

3. Central Agricultural Region, R. French and I. Pritchard, Department of Agriculture

4. Great Southern and Lakes, N. Brandon, N. Runciman and S. White, Department of Agriculture

5. Esperance Mallee, M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture


6. Faba bean, P. White, Department of Agriculture

7. Germplasm evaluation, P. White, M. Seymour and M. Harries, Department of Agriculture

8. Variety evaluation, P. White, M. Harries, N. Brandon and M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture

9. Sowing rate and time of sowing, P. White, N. Brandon, M. Seymour and M. Harries, Department of Agriculture

10.Use of granular inoculum in the Great Southern, N. Brandon1, J. Howieson2 and R. Yates2 1Department of Agriculture, 2Centre for Rhizobium Studies, Murdoch University

11.Tolerance to post emergent herbicides, M. Seymour and M. Harries, Department of Agriculture

12.Herbicide tolerance of new varieties, H. Dhammu and T. Piper, Department of Agriculture

Desi chickpea

13. Breeding highlights, T. Khan, Department of Agriculture

14. Variety evaluation, T. Khan and K. Regan, Department of Agriculture

15. Effect of genotype and environment on seed quality, N. Suizu1 and D. Diepeveen2 1School of Public Health, Curtin University of Technology 2Department of Agriculture

16. Seed discolouration, C. Veitch and P. White, Department of Agriculture

17. Foliar application on N increases seed yield and seed protein under terminal

drought, J. Palta1,2, A. Nandwal3 and N. Turner1,2 , 1CSIRO Plant Industry, 2CLIMA, the University of Western Australia, 3Department of Botany, Haryana Agric University, Hisar, India

18. Tolerance to chilling at flowering, H. Clarke, CLIMA, The University of Western Australia

19. Molecular studies of ascochyta blight disease in chickpea, G. Dwyer1, H. Loo1, T. Khan2, K. Siddique3, M. Bellgard1 and M. Jones1 ,1WA State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre and Centre for Bioinformatics and Biological Computing, Murdoch University, 2Department of Agriculture, 3CLIMA, The University of Western Australia

20. Effect of row spacing and sowing rate on seed yield, G. Riethmuller and B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

21. Herbicide tolerance on marginal soil types, H. Dhammu and T. Piper, Department of Agriculture

22. Kabuli chickpea, K. Regan, Department of Agriculture

23. Variety and germplasm evaluation, T. Khan and K. Regan, Department of Agriculture

24. Premium quality kabuli chickpea development in the ORIA, K. Siddique1, K. Regan2, R. Shackles2 and P. Smith2 , 1 CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 2Department of Agriculture

25. Evaluation of ascochylta resistant germplasm from Syria and Turkey, K. Siddique1, C. Francis1 and K. Regan2, 1CLIMA, University of Western Australia 2Department of Agriculture

Field pea

26. Breeding highlights, T. Khan Department of Agriculture

27. Variety evaluation, T. Khan Department of Agriculture

28. Comparing the phosphorus requirement of field pea and wheat, M. Bolland and P. White, Department of Agriculture

29. Tolerance of field pea to post emergent herbicides, M. Seymour and N. Brandon, Department of Agriculture

30. Response of new varieties to herbicides, H. Dhammu and T. Piper, Department of Agriculture

31. Lentil, K. Regan, Department of Agriculture

32. Variety evaluation, K. Regan, N. Brandon, M. Harries and M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture

33. Interstate evaluation of advanced breeding lines developed in WA, K. Regan1, K. Siddique2 and M. Materne3, 1Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, University of Western Australia, 3Victorian Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Agriculture Victoria

34. Evaluation of germplasm from overseas and local projects, K. Regan1, J. Clements2, K.H.M. Siddique2 and C. Francis21Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, University of Western Australia

35. Evaluation of breeding lines developed in WA, K. Regan1, J. Clements2, K.H.M. Siddique2 and C. Francis21Department of Agriculture, 2CLIMA, University of Western Australia

36. Productivity and yield stability in Australia and Nepal, C. Hanbury, K. Siddique and C. Francis, CLIMA, the University of Western Australia


37. Germplasm evaluation, M. Seymour1, R. Matic2 and M. Tate3, 1Department of Agriculture, 2South Australian Research and Development Institute, 3University of Adelaide, Waite Campus

38. Tolerance of common vetch to post emergent herbicides, M. Seymour and N. Brandon, Department of Agriculture

Narbon bean

39. Removing narbon bean from wheat, M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture

40. Tolerance to low rates of Roundup and Sprayseed, M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture

41. Lathyrus development, C. Hanbury, CLIMA, the University of Western Australia

42. Poultry feeding trials, C. Hanbury1 and B. Hughes2 ,1CLIMA, the University of Western Australia,2Pig and Poultry Production Institute, South Australia

Pulse Species

43. Species time of sowing, B. French, Department of Agriculture

44. High value pulses in the Great Southern, N. Brandon and N. Runciman, Department of Agriculture

45. Time of Harvest for improved seed yields of pulses, G. Riethmuller and B. French, Department of Agriculture

46. Phosphate acquisition efficiency of pulse crops, P. Rees, Plant Biology, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences UWA


47. Howzat desi chickpea in the northern region, M. Harries, Department of Agriculture

48. Field pea harvest losses in the Great Southern and Esperance region, N. Brandon and M. Seymour, Department of Agriculture

49. Timing of crop topping in field pea, N. Brandon and G. Riethmuller, Department of Agriculture


50. Ascochyta blight of chickpea, B. MacLeod, M. Harries and N. Brandon, Department of Agriculture

51. Evaluation of Australian management packages,

52. Screening foliar fungicides

53. Row spacing and row spraying

54. Ascochyta management package for 2002, B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

55. Epidemiology of aschochyta and botrytis disease of pulses, J. Galloway and B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

56. Ascochyta blight of chickpea

57. Black spot of field pea

58. Ascochyta blight of faba bean

59. Ascochyta blight of lentil

60. Botrytis grey mould of chickpea

61. Black spot spread: Disease models are based in reality, J. Galloway, Department of Agriculture

62. Black spot spread: Scaling-up field data to simulate ‘Bakers farm’, M. Salam, J. Galloway, A. Diggle and B. MacLeod, Department of Agriculture

63. Pulse disease diagnostics, N. Burges and D. Wright, Department of Agriculture

Viruses in pulses

64. Incidence of virus diseases in chickpea, J. Hawkes1, D. Thackray1 and R. Jones1,2, 1CLIMA, The University of Western Australia 2Department of Agriculture

Insect pests

65. Risk assessment of aphid feeding damage on pulses, O. Edwards, J. Ridsdill-Smith, and R. Horbury, CSIRO Entomology

66. Optimum spray timing to control aphid feeding damage of faba bean, F. Berlandier, Department of Agriculture

67. Incorporation of pea weevil resistance into a field pea variety, O. Byrne1 and D. Hardie2, 1CLIMA, The University of Western Australia, 2Department of Agriculture

68. Screening wild chickpea species for resistance to Helicoverpa, T. Ridsdill-Smith1 and H. Sharma2,1CSIRO, Entomology, 2ICRISAT, Hyderabad

69. Field strategies to manage the evolution of pea weevil resistance in transgenic field pea, M. de Sousa Majer1, R. Roush2, D. Hardie3, R. Morton4 and T. Higgins4, 1Curtin University of Technology, 2Waite Campus, University of Adelaide, 3Department of Agriculture, 4CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra


71. Appendix 1: Summary of previous results


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