Integrated disease management options to control Rhizoctonia bare-patch in wheat

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Conference Title

7th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium 2012

Place of Publication



Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity


. Rhizoctonia bare-patch (Rhizoctonia solani AG8) is a major problem across Western Australia’s cereal growing regions. Additional disease management options are needed as the current do not offer adequate control in severe paddocks. Three field trials were conducted: 1) cultivation below the seed and Dividend® seed treatment resulted in the lowest R. solani inoculum level at anthesis compared to either treatment alone; 2) a new fungicide injected below the seed increased yield significantly when applied at the highest rate, although there were no differences in disease on roots; and 3) a test of rotation crops showed the soil inoculum levels of R. solani were elevated by barley and wheat, but canola and fallow plots resulted in an overall decline. The results support the recommendation to farmers that in paddocks with a history of Rhizoctonia bare-patch, use cultivation below the seed and a registered fungicide. Also, it is suggested that a break crop of canola or fallow may be useful preceding cereals, although the disease level in the following wheat crops is yet to be assessed. Reduced disease and yield improvements were demonstrated with the new fungicide, but work on this and other new fungicides is continuing.
