Mind the depth of soil amelioration to surpass the yield gap in Western Australia

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Conference Title

System Solutions for Complex Problems: Proceedings of the 20th Australian Agronomy Conference - 18-22 September 2022

Place of Publication



Soil compaction, soil acidity, dryland cropping, sandy soil, cereal root architecture


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science


In Western Australia (WA), there is a mean difference of 1.3 t/ha between the actual yield achieved and the water-limited yield potential. We hypothesised deep amelioration of multiple soil constraints would increase yield above the calculated water-limited yield potential for a low-input cropping system. We conducted a series of field experiments in the low rainfall region of WA where soil was ameliorated (i) either by surface application of agricultural lime or (ii) by loosening and incorporating agricultural lime to different depths (up to 45 cm). Surface application of agricultural lime significantly increased yield within 1–7 years of application while combined loosening with lime addition to 45 cm depth (soil re-engineering) at least doubled the grain yield almost immediately and continued to generate the same yield advantage over multiple seasons. Grain yield, in the re-engineering treatment, exceeded the water-limited yield potential by 33─56% under standard agronomic practice.
