Stubble load increases frost severity, duration and damage in frost-prone landscapes in south-western Australia

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Conference Title

Cells to Satellites: Proceedings of the 19th Australian Agronomy Conference - 25-29 August 2019

Place of Publication

Wagga Wagga


Frost, sterility, stubble load, stubble management


Agronomy and Crop Sciences


Frost damage across Western Australia’s cropping regions causes annual losses estimated to be between $100 and $300 million each year. This paper reports on results from field experiments in 2014-2016 investigating whether increasing stubble load influences the severity, duration and damage from spring frost events in wheat crops in WA. In most experiments, increasing stubble load increased the severity and duration of spring frost events. Increased stubble load also increased frost damage and resulted in lower grain yield under moderate and severe frost damage conditions. Reducing stubble load is one tool growers can use as part of a comprehensive frost management plan.
