Initiation of a farming systems trial series in Western Australia

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Conference Title

Adaptive Agronomy for a Resilient Future

Place of Publication



Dryland farming system, wheat, break crop, canola, fallow, cover crop, rotation


Agricultural Science | Agronomy and Crop Sciences


In recent years substantial changes to Western Australian broadacre farming systems include large reductions in the area of pasture and grain legumes, increased canola production and more frequent cereal plantings (Harries 2023). In addition, the use of farm inputs such as pesticide and fertiliser have increased. To understand the implications of these changes on production constraints across the rotation, multi-year trials, that are managed as per farmer practice, are required. To achieve this, a similar approach as Eastern Australian colleagues was utilised, combining rotation x nitrogen fertiliser rate x sowing time treatments to simulate a wide range of current and alternative farming systems. In 2023 three trial sites were established: Northampton (Northern medium rainfall), Merredin (Central low rainfall) and Lake Grace (Southern medium rainfall). These trials test a range of crop and pasture rotations over four years.
