Feeding of liquid milk supplements to pigs pre- and post-weaning improves live weight gain.
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Conference Title
Seventh Biennial Conference of the Australasian Pig Science Association (APSA)
Place of Publication
ISBN 0 957 7226-0-5
ISSN 1324-9177
Pigs, Weaning, Milk supplements, Weight gain
Agricultural Economics | Agriculture | Animal Sciences | Meat Science
Under current feeding strategies, pigs do not reach their potential growth rates before weaning (Harrell et al., 1993). After the first week of lactation sow milk yield and composition can limit piglet growth. This affects the lifetime pig performance and profitability by increasing the number of days until slaughter (Mahan and Lepine, 1991). A study was conducted to determine the effects on performance of supplementing the diet of piglets pre- and post-weaning with a number of different milk-based liquid products.
Recommended Citation
Brown, L.J., Krebs, G.L., Mullan, B.P., 1999. Feeding of liquid milk supplements to pigs pre- and post-weaning improves live weight gain. In “Manipulating Pig Production VII”, ed., P.D. Cranwell, Australasian Pig Science Association, p. 273