Furanocoumarin content in Bituminaria bituminosa varieties and Cullen species

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Conference Title

The contributions of grasslands to the conservation of Mediterranean biodiversity Zaragoza: Options Méditerranéennes - Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 92


Bituminaria, Cullen, Angelicin, Psoralen, Grazing


Agronomy and Crop Sciences


Bituminaria bituminosa and several species from the Cullen genus are being evaluated in Spain and Australia as forage species for Mediterranean environments. In these environments, summer drought is the main limiting factor for the utilization of commercial perennial legumes such as Medicago sativa. Species from Bituminaria and Cullen genera are known to produce furanocoumarins (psoralen and angelicin) among other secondary compounds. Furanocoumarins derive from the phenylpropane, and their pharmacological properties are well known. In this study we are presenting the psoralen and angelicin content in two varieties of Bituminaria bituminosa and different species of the genus Cullen. All species of the genus Cullen showed the lowest mean concentration values of psoralen (948 ppm) and angelicin (1155 ppm). In Bituminaria bituminosa var albomarginata the mean content of psoralen and angelicin was 2796 and 3055 ppm respectively, while the concentrations of these furanocoumarins were highest in B. bituminosa var. bituminosa, with 2853 and 7302 ppm for psoralen and angelicin.
