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These guides address a recognised gap in readily applicable and easily accessible information on southern rangelands pasture condition and management.
These guides provide descriptions and images for southern rangelands pastures with similar management requirements for the grazing of native pastures by livestock. Therefore, the focus is on palatability of vegetation to livestock, and the effects of livestock management and external factors on the condition of the vegetation and soils.
The first section provides an overview and map, introduces concepts and terms important to understanding arid shrubland management in general, these guides in particular; and includes an economic analysis of the cost of land degradation specific to the southern rangelands.
The main body of the bulletin provides descriptions and information on maintenance, improvement and recovery or rehabilitation of each pasture group.
Twenty-three broad pasture groups are described, divided between 3 supergroups of chenopods, shrubs and grasses. Each description consists of:
- the broad pasture group title
- occurrence statement with estimated areal extent
- vegetation structure and composition description
- pastoral value statement with general management advice
- condition statement describing the likely changes that occur with transition from good condition through to fair and poor condition with photographs where available
- other relevant notes including suggestions for fire management and the reported condition of the pastures if known from department data or other sources
- species list showing relative desirability of common and important species for management and monitoring.
Appendixes include maps showing the estimated distribution of each broad pasture group, species lists, grass growth basics and a schematic diagram showing the effect of land degradation on fragile and productive sand sheets.
Number of Pages
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
pastoral rangelands, vegetation condition, southern rangelands, Western Australia
Agriculture | Animal Sciences | Biodiversity | Botany | Desert Ecology | Environmental Education | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources and Conservation | Sustainability
Recommended Citation
PA Waddell, PWE Thomas, WJ Fletcher, KG Ryan, JE Foster, JK Stretch and JS Addison (2023) ‘Pasture condition guides for the southern rangelands, including the Gascoyne, Murchison and Goldfields-Nullarbor’, Bulletin 4913, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australian Government.
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Agriculture Commons, Animal Sciences Commons, Biodiversity Commons, Botany Commons, Desert Ecology Commons, Environmental Education Commons, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Sustainability Commons