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Subterranean clover (subclover, Trifolium subterraneum L.) is an annual pasture legume that provides high quality feed for livestock. It is estimated to be sown over 30 million hectares across southern Australia, with cultivars developed for the low, medium and high rainfall zones. Unfortunately, some older cultivars contain high levels of phytoestrogen which can affect the reproductive system of sheep and cause other health issues. This became a significant issue for sheep producers from the 1940s as new land was cleared and sheep grazed subclover-dominant pastures. There was a collection of livestock issues observed and these were grouped together under the umbrella term of “clover disease”.
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legumes, subclover, clover disease, phytoestrogens, infertility, sheep, formononetin
Agricultural Science | Agriculture | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Plant Breeding and Genetics | Sheep and Goat Science
Recommended Citation
Oestrogenic subterranean clover guide. Identification and remediation. Foster, Kevin
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Agricultural Science Commons, Agriculture Commons, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Plant Breeding and Genetics Commons, Sheep and Goat Science Commons