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Our first edition of Soil acidity: a guide for WA farmers and consultants in 2009 was a significant publication which brought together current knowledge on the management of soil acidity in WA in a user-friendly book. Three thousand printed copies were distributed and an interactive PDF on the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) website made it available to most WA farmers and consultants.
iLime is a decision tool to assist liming decisions.
Recent projects have extended our knowledge of the extent of the soil acidity problem in WA. When the first edition was published, we had good information about soil acidity in the Avon River Basin. Follow-up projects confirmed that low soil pH, particularly in the subsurface below 1 Ocm, is a major concern for all south-west WA agriculture and requires immediate attention. Contemporary maps of the soil condition are shown in the 'Overview of soil acidity in WA'. Each of the 361 farmers participating in the project soil sampling were provided with individual liming plans and gained a better understanding of the soil pH profile on their farm. Delivery of this information at workshops held for the participating grower groups has enabled regions to gain a better understanding of the current situation and how to prioritise their soil constraints. More than 1800 growers participated in the workshops and talks at regional field days and, in addition to increasing their knowledge, they provided information on current practices and barriers to the adoption of liming to manage soil acidity in WA. This information, in conjunction with feedback on the first edition of the guide, indicated the need for an updated second edition.
Number of Pages
Soil acidity, Soil management, Soil chemistry, Soil biology, Soil pH, Liming, Lime (mineral), Western Australia, Wheatbelt region (W.A.)
Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Gazey, C,
Davies, S,
Master, R.
(2014), Soil acidity : a guide for WA farmers and consultants.. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4858.
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Use the iLime App
iLime compares liming strategies on your paddock
iLime is a decision tool to assist liming decisions.
Users are able to specify crop, fertiliser and soil characteristics specific to their farm. Different lime sources, rates of application and timing may be compared to estimate the optimum economic return for your paddock.
Yield, soil pH, soil aluminium and cash flow responses are displayed for lime strategies compared to not applying lime, allowing a long-term strategic view to liming decisions made today. It is available for Android and iOS.