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This handbook integrates the current knowledge of soils in south-western Australia in a user-friendly form. It describes how to assess which soil properties influence production and land degradation in the agricultural area and summarises management options to remedy or minimise soil limitations. The potential for growing a large range of crops and pastures can be assessed. In particular, the links between soil morphology, soil properties, management and agronomy are emphasised. The manual is designed for use at the paddock scale or for site assessment, but it can also be used at a catchment or regional scale. It is specifically designed for rain fed agriculture in south-western Australia but many sections will be relevant elsewhere as the manual works from first principles and does not require prior knowledge of the nature and distribution of soils.
Number of Pages
0 7307 0057 7
Soil water, Trace elements, Water repellent soils, Manganese, Soil structure, Soil management Western Australia, Sulfur, Crops and soils Western Australia, Phosphorus fertilizers, Trace element deficiencies, Soil acidity, Waterlogging, Plant nutrition, Soil types, Boron, Soil alkalinity, Soils Western Australia, Iron, Magnesium, Herbicides, Potassium, Zinc, Wind erosion, Water erosion, Soil degradation, Soil properties, Nitrogen, Soil salinity, Soil morphological features, Molybdenum, Copper
Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Moore, G A.
(2001), Soilguide (Soil guide) : a handbook for understanding and managing agricultural soils. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4343.

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A joint National Landcare and Agriculture Western Australia project.