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There has long been a need for a Banksia Production Manual. The benefit of such a manual is the ability to bring together the material written and published in a range of other publications and reports.
As far as possible the latest information has been reviewed and incorporated. Some of these areas have a limited set of information available and are accordingly brief. We have tried to incorporate grower information where possible to ensure that what is discussed has a practical grounding. While regulations and information was correct at the time of publication (April 2007), it is recommended that people using this manual consult with government organisations mentioned to confirm that they are still current.
The Manual will give the reader access to a wide range of knowledge including that on the origin of Banksia, markets, production, irrigation, economics, pests, diseases and supply chain management. While the Manual is designed as a practical, easy to read document with sufficient detail to satisfy even the advanced grower, it should be consulted in association with other sources of advice. The Manual will provide insights and make general suggestions for direction but the final decisions will ultimately be those of the grower. Budgets and prices quoted are intended as a guide only.
The Manual has been written specifically for Western Australian conditions. However, growers of Banksia anywhere will be able to learn from the knowledge included. The Manual is designed for those planning to grow Banksia, as well as existing growers who want to improve production practices and profitability. It will also benefit the growers of ornamental Banksia in gardens and parks.
The Manual is dedicated to the growers and researchers who have built up the knowledge base of the Banksia industry.
Number of Pages
Floriculture, Banksia, Cut flowers, Propagation, Disease control, Irrigation
Horticulture | Plant Biology | Plant Sciences
Recommended Citation
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia.
(2007), The Banksia production manual. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4710.

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