Publication Date



Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia




Introducing new plants to an area may have both positive and negative effects on the environment, economy and community. To minimise the negative environmental impact of introducing new agricultural species, DPIRD conducts a risk assessment procedure based on widely accepted scientific standards. This report assesses Burr medic (Medicago polymorpha). Burr medic is a temperate annual pasture legume native to the Mediterranean region which is adapted to a range of soils from sandy loams to clays of moderate fertility because it is adapted to slightly acidic (pHCa >4.8) to alkaline (pHwater < 9.0) soils and can tolerate transient waterlogging. Burr medic is widely naturalised in southern Western Australia (WA) and commercial use followed the identification of cultivars without spines, which contaminate wool (Gillespie 2001; Howie et al. 2007). In experimental trials in northern WA the annual legumes and herbs had good feed quality but in general, with low forage yields under irrigation, are unlikely to be economically viable (Moore et al. 2021). In the southern rangelands, burr medic is widely naturalized in the Goldfields region.

Number of Pages



weed risk, assessment, biosecurity, Western Australia, Burr medic, Medicago polymorpha


Biosecurity | Weed Science
