Biosecurity Research Articles
Pre-breeding for disease resistance in wheat – the stagonospora nodorum blotch example
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Journal Title
Microbiology Australia
13244272 22019189
pre-breeding, genetic enhancement, stagonospora nodorum blotch, disease resistance, improved germplasm, resistance genes, molecular markers
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity | Plant Breeding and Genetics
‘Pre-breeding’ is an alternative term used for ‘genetic enhancement’, and in recent times it has become an essential, planned part of all plant breeding activities. The main objectives of pre-breeding for disease resistance are to increase the efficiency of breeding by providing breeding programs with (i) molecular markers linked to effective disease resistance genes, (ii) improved germplasm and associated genetic knowledge that enhance resistance expression and diversity, (iii) improved parental stocks which can be readily utilised within breeding programs and (iv) improved selection methodologies. This article discusses the various activities involved in a pre-breeding program targeting disease resistance with recent outcomes of genetic enhancement for adult plant resistance to stagonospora nodorum blotch in wheat.
Recommended Citation
Shankar, M,
Francki, M,
Loughman, R.
(2012), Pre-breeding for disease resistance in wheat – the stagonospora nodorum blotch example. Microbiology Australia, 33 (1), 6-8.