Biosecurity Research Articles
Impact of Turnip yellows virus infection on seed yield of an open-pollinated and hybrid canola cultivar when inoculated at different growth stages
Document Type
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Journal Title
Virus Research
Print: 0168-1702 Electronic: 1872-7492
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity
Turnip yellows virus (TuYV; family Luteoviridae, genus Polerovirus) is the most economically damaging virus infecting canola (Brassica napus) in the south-west Australian grainbelt. However, the impact of TuYV infection at different growth stages on canola seed yield has not been examined. This information is vital for implementing targeted management strategies. Four glasshouse experiments were conducted to examine seed yield losses incurred by an open-pollinated (ATR Bonito) and hybrid (Hyola® 404RR) canola cultivar when aphid-inoculated with TuYV at GS12 (two leaves unfolded), GS17 (seven leaves unfolded), GS30 (beginning of stem elongation) and GS65 (full flowering). When inoculated at GS12 and GS17, cv. Bonito plants incurred 30 % and 36 % seed yield losses, respectively, compared to healthy plants. Similarly, cv. 404RR incurred 41 % and 26 % seed yield losses at GS12 and GS17, respectively. However, when inoculated at GS30, whilst cv. Bonito plants incurred a 26 % seed yield loss, cv. 404RR incurred no significant loss. Neither cultivar incurred seed yield losses from inoculation at GS65. Additional information was collected from these experiments to improve sampling protocols to enhance TuYV detection, with a molecular and serological technique. When canola plants were at pre-flowering growth stages, TuYV was reliably detected 7–14 days after inoculation (DAI) in the youngest leaf. Once flowering had begun, TuYV was consistently detected 7–14 DAI in petals and flower buds. In contrast, regardless of growth stage, testing the oldest leaf regularly resulted in delayed detection or false negatives. Information generated in this study helps to quantify the value of management strategies targeted at preventing TuYV spread in pre-flowering canola crops and ultimately increase the efficiency of resource use.
Recommended Citation
Congdon, B S,
Baulch, J R,
Coutts, B A.
(2020), Impact of Turnip yellows virus infection on seed yield of an open-pollinated and hybrid canola cultivar when inoculated at different growth stages. Virus Research, 277 (197847).