Biosecurity Research Articles
Benefit-cost analysis of skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea) management in Western Australia
Document Type
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Journal Title
Weed Biology and Management
Print: 1444-6162 Electronic: 1445-6664
Chondrilla juncea, cost benefit analysis, invasive weeds, skeleton weed
Agricultural Economics | Biosecurity
This paper estimates the return on investment in the skeleton weed management program in Western Australia. A bioeconomic model is used to estimate costs to broadacre cropping industries over time with and without the program. Results suggest that without the program annual crop yield losses and increased growing costs, expressed in Australian dollars ($A), could reach A$13.6 million after 30 years. With the program, these losses reduce to A$5.0 million. If annual skeleton weed program costs remain approximately A$3.4 million, the program is likely to produce an annual net benefit to grain producers of A$8.6 million after 30 years.
Recommended Citation
Cook, D C.
(2021), Benefit-cost analysis of skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea) management in Western Australia. Weed Biology and Management, 21 (2), 113-123.