Biosecurity Research Articles

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Journal Title

Theoretical and Applied Genetics


Print: 0040-5752 Electronic: 1432-2242


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity | Plant Breeding and Genetics


Tan spot (syn. yellow spot and yellow leaf spot) caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis is an important foliar disease of wheat in Australia. Few resistance genes have been mapped in Australian germplasm and only one, known as tsn1 located on chromosome 5B, is known in Australian breeding programs. This gene confers insensitivity to the fungal effector ToxA. The main aim of this study was to map novel resistance loci in two populations: Calingiri/Wyalkatchem, which is fixed for the ToxA-insensitivity allele tsn1, and IGW2574/Annuello, which is fixed for the ToxA-sensitivity allele Tsn1. A second aim was to combine new loci with tsn1 to develop lines with improved resistance. Tan spot severity was evaluated at various growth stages and in multiple environments. Symptom severity traits exhibited quantitative variation. The most significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detected on chromosomes 2A and 1A. The QTL on 2A explained up to 29.2% of the genotypic variation in the Calingiri/Wyalkatchem population with the resistance allele contributed by Wyalkatchem. The QTL on 1A explained up to 28.1% of the genotypic variation in the IGW2574/Annuello population with the resistance allele contributed by Annuello. The resistance alleles at both QTL were successfully combined with tsn1 to develop lines that express significantly better resistance at both seedling and adult plant stages than Calingiri which has tsn1 only.



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