Publication Date



Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development




There are five legislated funding mechanisms used for biosecurity-related purposes in wa declared pest rates, Industry Funding Schemes (IFSs), fees for service through the Agricultural Produce Commission (APC), specified area rates and the Modified Penalties Revenue Account. Of these, three were assessed as sustainable sources of biosecurity funding:

  • Declared pest rates (DPRs) - rates chargeable on land in a prescribed area. The funds collected via this mechanism are matched dollar-for-dollar from the State's Consolidated Account and used for activities to control declared pests, including biosecurity threats.
  • IFSs - schemes that enable agricultural industries to collect funds from producers. The funds are used to address declared pests and provide compensation for loss, costs and expenses suffered or incurred in relation to those pests.
  • APC fee for service - the fee for service charge is paid by producers to provide industry services such as biosecurity, research, compensation, training, marketing and promotion.

Number of Pages



Western Australia, biosecurity, risks and threats, legislated biosecurity funding mechanisms


Agricultural and Resource Economics | Biosecurity


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