Publication Date



Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia




Section 147 of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 requires the Minister for Agriculture and Food to carry out a review of the operation and effectiveness of any regulations made for the purposes of establishing an Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) every five years.

In 2010, regulations establishing three IFSs commenced to address pest and disease threats relevant to Western Australia’s broadacre and pastoral cropping and livestock sectors. This report documents the second fifth-year anniversary statutory review of the following regulations:

• Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Industry Funding Scheme (Cattle) Regulations 2010

• Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Industry Funding Scheme (Grains) Regulations 2010; and

• Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Industry Funding Scheme (Sheep and Goats) Regulations 2010 (referred to, collectively, as the IFS Regulations).

The review consisted of three parts:

1. Desktop review to identify, for each IFS, the level of participation, financial costs and income generated from voluntary financial contributions made by Western Australian cattle, sheep and goat producers and grain, seed and hay growers

2. Issues identification – the capturing and collating of internal and external stakeholder feedback on anomalies and areas in which the operation/ effectiveness of the IFS Regulations might be improved, and exploring these with key informants; and

3. Stakeholder consultation to gather feedback on the pre-identified issues and provide stakeholders with an opportunity to raise other issues and comments on the operation and effectiveness of the IFS Regulations.

Number of Pages



industry funding scheme, Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007, review, Western Australia, regulations


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Beef Science | Biosecurity | Dairy Science | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Sheep and Goat Science


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