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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Lupin Experiments - Eleven trials were sown during 1973 with the aim of further examining the response of lupins to inoculation on old clover land, new to lupins, and some on new land. The lime pellet and gum slurry methods were compared. The opportunity was also taken to compare a new rhizobia, WU8, with the current commercial inoculant WU425. 1. Inoculation of Uniharvest lupins - time of sowing, strain of rhizobia and method of inoculation. Sown as second crop on old clover land - WILLIAMS. 2. Inoculation of Uniharvest lupins sown as a first crop on old clover land - NARROGIN. 3. Inoculation of Uniharvest and Unicrop lupins by two strains of rhizobia. Sown as first crop on old clover land - BANNISTER. 4. Inoculation of Uniharvest lupins - time of sowing and strain of rhizobia. Sown as first crop on old clover land - KOJONUP. 5. Inoculation of Uniharvest lupins sown as a first crop on old clover land - WOODANILLING. 6. Inoculation of Crop lupins sown as a first crop on old clover land - BORDEN. 7. Inoculation of crUniharvest and Unicrop lupins sown as a first crop on old clover land (with Mr. G. Walton) - ONGERUP. 8,9. Inoculation of Uniharvest lupins on new land - ESPERANCE. 10. Inoculation of Uniharvest lupins sown as a first crop on old clover land - CONDINGUP. 11. Inoculation of W.A. Blue lupins in the Shark Bay area - NANGA. 12. Response of Trifolium subterraneum, T. hirtum and T. cherleri to inoculation on new land - N. BADGINGARRA. 13. Inoculation of T. hirtum - MERREDIN. 14. Inoculation of clovers - MT. BARKER. · 15. Inoculation of clovers - DENMARK. 16. Inoculation response of Daliak and Seaton Park subterranean clovers on new land - ESPERANCE. 17. Effect of lime pelleting and trace elements on the response of subterranean clover to inoculation - NEWDEGATE. One trial 73N028 was abandoned because of severe insect damage (brown pasture caterpillar). No results were obtained from this trial. All trials except one (73ES36) responded to inoculation in terms of nodulation, most in terms of vegetative yield in spring. Only four of them (73NA2G, 73KA23, 73KA24, and 73JE25) responded in terms of seed yield. No seed yields were taken for 73KA25. There were no cases where WU8 was superior to WU425. Trials - 73CA1,73ES34, 73ES37, 73D4, 73ES35, 73ES36, 73JE25, 73KA23, 73KA24,73KA25, 73M039, 73MT42, 73NA25, 73NA26, 73NA28, 73N20, TRIAL 13 - Inoculation of Kondinin Rose clover (T. hirtum) on new land. Locality - Merredin Research Station.

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Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science
