Publication Date


Series Number



Fisheries Western Australia




0 7309 8437 0


1035 - 4549


A survey of recreational boat-based and shore-based fishing in the Leschenault Estuary was conducted between January 1998 and December 1998. The survey estimated the total annual boat-based recreational fishing effort as 33,392 fisher days, with 86% of this effort targeting blue swimmer crabs. The total annual shore-based recreational fishing effort was estimated to be 5,610 fisher days, with 88% of this effort targeting blue swimmer crabs.

The recreational blue swimmer crab catch from the Leschenault Estuary is substantial and exceeds the reported commercial catch. The estimated total recreational catch of blue swimmer crabs was 219,000 crabs or 45.7 tonnes. This consists of a boat-based catch of 179,000 crabs and a shore-based catch of 40,000 crabs. Approximately 80% of crabs kept by recreational fishers were male.

The total annual recreational catch of fish from the Leschenault Estuary is small. The estimated numbers of the most common fish species caught by anglers are (in order of number caught) 1,500 whiting other than King George (Sillago spp.), 1,200 (0.24 tonnes) tailor, 800 (0.11 tonnes) Australian herring and 500 (0.06 tonnes) King George whiting.

There was a very high level of compliance with fishing regulations amongst all anglers and most boat-based crabbers. However, 6.5% of shore-based crabbing parties were found to have kept undersize crabs. These were usually close to legal size.

Very few boats with two or more people on board (2.4%) achieved the daily boat limit of 48 crabs specified under present statewide recreational fishing regulations. However, a larger proportion of boats with only one person on board (29.7%) achieved their daily bag limit of 24 crabs. No anglers were recorded as catching the daily bag limit of any fish species.

Number of Pages



Department of Primary Industries and Trade, catch limits, fishing regulations, blue swimmer crabs


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Studies | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration | Sustainability
