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Ten Mile Brook Dam has a surface area of 275 Ha and receives water from a 10 km2 catchment (Figure 1). It has a total storage capacity of 1,691 ML. At the time of this study the dam was 89 % capacity (1,511 ML), however as recently as June 2009 water storage was as low as 663 ML (39 % capacity).

In order to improve the drinking water supply to the town of Margaret River, the Water Corporation is investigating the option of pumping bore water into Ten Mile Brook Dam. This would remove the need to transfer water from the Margaret River into the dam. 2 Fisheries Research Contract Report [Western Australia] No. 22, 2010 However, the critically endangered Margaret River marron is endemic to this region. This endangered species can only be distinguished from the more common “smooth” marron by DNA fingerprinting.

In addition, all the endemic freshwater crayfish in this region are restricted to this global biodiversity hotspot. The region also has the highest proportion of endemic freshwater fishes of all the major Australian Drainage Divisions, with 80 % of the freshwater fishes from the southwest of Western Australia are found nowhere else. Many of these native fish populations are fragmented and some species are listed as vulnerable to extinction.


1 921258 86 1


1446 - 5868

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Department of Fisheries, WA




freshwater ecosystems, fisheries, margaret river, marron, fish, crayfish


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Monitoring | Water Resource Management

Aquatic Fauna - Biological Survey Ten Mile Brook Dam Margaret River - Fisheries Research Contract Report No. 22, 2010

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