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Western Australian Agriculture Authority, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Western Australia




The Sheep and Goat Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) has been operating since 2010 to address biosecurity threats relevant to the Western Australian (WA) sheep and goat industry. The Scheme was established by regulation under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 to enable sheep and goat producers to identify pest and disease priorities at a whole-of-industry level and raise funds for activities to address these priorities.

There are currently three Industry Funding Schemes in operation. In addition to the Sheep and Goat IFS, there is a Cattle IFS and a Grains, Seeds and Hay IFS. The three IFSs operate in a similar manner.

For the Sheep and Goat IFS, funds are raised through a producer contribution on each chargeable sale. A ‘chargeable sale’ is the sale of sheep and goats (live or carcasses) that are located on a property within the Scheme’s area of operation or moved from the property for the purpose of offering them for sale/slaughter. The industry’s pest and disease priorities are identified and funds are raised, through producer contributions, for activities to address these priorities.

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sheep, goats, industry funding scheme, biosecurity, pests and diseases


Biosecurity | Sheep and Goat Science


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