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Aquatic resources within Western Australia (WA) are in good condition, and this has positioned WA as a global leader in sustainable fisheries management. The sustainable fisheries of WA continue to support our strong economy and regional communities. Nonetheless, the lack of a consistent approach to build in the knowledge of Traditional Owners remains a gap in our longer-term fisheries science in Western Australia.

Climate change and climate variability continues to impact fish stocks, challenging our ability to effectively monitor, assess, and manage fish stocks. We are continually working with our stakeholders, and the broader community to be adaptive, responsive, and innovative to derive updated scientific advice. A significant challenge is trying to predict what the future of our fish resources and the ecosystems that support them look like. In particular, we are aiming to explore innovative techniques within the burgeoning field of molecular genetics to better understand how regional distribution of key fish resources may be impacted and the resilience of key species to climate change. Aligned with this is the need to better evaluate how environmental change impacts the carrying capacity of the various habitat-types across our diverse array of regions.

As we explore new opportunities and new data streams, improve our assessment methodologies, and update stock assessments, this new information is expected to increase the efficacy of our assessments of the status of some stocks. This information underpins management advice and provides managers with appropriate resource specific measures to ensure sustainability.


ISSN 2200-7849 (Print) ISSN 2200-7857 (Online)

Publication Date



Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia


fisheries, western australia


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Climate | Fresh Water Studies | Marine Biology | Oceanography

State of the fisheries: Status reports and aquatic resources of Western Australia 2021/22

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