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The most serious erosion was found to be occurring in the Donnybrook area due to a combination of erosive winter rainfall, steep slopes and erodible soils. The most serious erosion was found to occur when storm runoff entered the vegetable plots from above, providing a transporting medium for the cultivated soil. A predictive model of erosion showed that soil texture, furrow slope, plot length, rainfall erosivity and canopy cover were significant factors affecting soil loss.
Number of Pages
Erosion control, Tillage, Western Australia, Vegetable growing, South west region (WA), Water erosion
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Hydrology | Soil Science
Recommended Citation
McFarlane, D J,
Delroy, N D,
Gratte, H V,
Middlemas, J P,
van Vreeswyk, A M,
McKissock, I.
(1989), Water erosion on vegetable growing land in south western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 107.
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