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Leschenault Peninsula is a fragile coastal dune barrier north of Bunbury, Western Australia. Most of the landforms are highly, or potentially highly, unstable and are not capable of sustaining tourism uses other than walking tracks. Minor areas close to Leschenault Inlet are more stable and could be developed for a range of tourism uses including accommodation and day tripper facilities. However, much of the Peninsula is highly degraded and susceptible to wind erosion, while disposal of acid-iron rich li id effluent from the Laporte (SCM) works in lagoons located within the dunes, has contributed to the visual degradation of the area. A land rehabilitation strategy should be developed and implemented prior to any development of the Peninsula for tourism.


Land use, Land capability, Coastal areas, Rural planning, Leschenault Peninsula (WA), Western Australia, Land resources


Natural Resources Management and Policy


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