Publication Date
Series Number
The release of the "Salinity Action Plan for Western Australia' in December 996 highlighted the need for catchment scale planning and coordinated actions to reverse salinity trends.
A separate report has been produced for each major catchment area. Each report contains and inventory of all sub-catchments. with information on area, degradation risks and group activities with each catchment.
Number of Pages
Wilson Inlet Catchment (WA), Watersheds, Soil degradation, Denmark region (WA), South Coastal region (WA), Risk assessment, Western Australia
Agriculture | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Fresh Water Studies | Hydrology | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science | Water Resource Management
Recommended Citation
Radys, B.
(1998), Inventory of sub-catchments within the Wilson Inlet Catchment. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 182.
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Agriculture Commons, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Fresh Water Studies Commons, Hydrology Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Soil Science Commons, Water Resource Management Commons