Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Animal production and livestock
Department of Agriculture Western Australia
The need to close Midland Saleyard is a result of endorsement by Cabinet of proposals by the Midland Redevelopment Authority (MRA). The Midland Saleyard is a significant impediment to the MR.A achieving a "high revenue scenario" return on the development of the site. The MRA would like to have the saleyard closed within about two years.
Against this background, the Meat Industry Authority (MIA) prepared a report on the relocation of Midland and recommended Muchea as its preferred location for replacement saleyard capacity. Under MIA's scenario, it would own and operate the new saleyard.
As part of the public consultation process on MIA's feasibility study, the Minister for Agriculture requested the Department of Agriculture to undertake an independent analysis of the need for a replacement saleyard for Midland and the optimal location for replacement saleyard infrastructure. The responses to the consultation process on MIA's report were assessed by the Department of Agriculture, along with an assessment of the need for further livestock selling infrastructure following the closure of Midland Saleyard.
Number of Pages
Saleyards, Livestock, Cattle, Pigs, Sheep, Western Australia, Abattoirs.
Agribusiness | Business Administration, Management, and Operations
Recommended Citation
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia.
(2002), Midland saleyard : review of saleyard options. Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Perth. Report.
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