Publication Date
This booklet provides rural land managers with information relating to the natural resources of the Shire of Boyup Brook including the existing vegetation, drainage systems and soils. Some of the problems relating to the management of natural resources in the Shire of Boyup Brook and possible solutions to these problems are also discussed. By providing this information, it is hoped this booklet will contribute to the long term viability of the rural landscape and the conservation of native vegetation within the Shire.
Number of Pages
Vegetation, Wildflowers, Wetlands, Fauna, Geology, Soils, Topography, Land Degradation, Wind Erosion, Water Erosion, Soil Compaction, Acidity, Boyup Brook, Western Australia
Biodiversity | Botany | Environmental Monitoring | Weed Science
Recommended Citation
Grein, S B.
(1997), Native Vegetation Handbook for the Shire of Boyup Brook. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.
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Biodiversity Commons, Botany Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Weed Science Commons