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This report focusses on pre-processing, inversion, and post-processing of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data from a SkyTEM 312M helicopter-borne time-domain AEM survey conducted north of Newman, Western Australia in October and November 2019. Flight lines for the survey were chosen to trend east-west at 400 m line-spacing in order to produce gridded products at 100 m by 100 m resolution. The line directions were chosen in order to best intersect the Fortescue River Fault which separates the Wittenoom Formation from the Pinjian Chert Formation and Manganese Group, and to map the distribution of transported materials in the alluvial fan north of the present-day Fortescue River.

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airborne electromagnetic survey, hydrogeology, managed aquifer recharge, Pilbara, groundwater modelling


Agriculture | Geology | Hydrology | Sustainability | Water Resource Management


The Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has identified priority areas across the state to assess capacity for development of irrigated agriculture. The Transforming Agriculture in the Pilbara (TAP) Project is a Royalties for Regions initiative to provide detailed studies in the Pilbara for agricultural suitability. Part of the TAP Project involves a water resource assessment that focusses on an area north of Newman, Western Australia, to assist in the planning of a potential managed aquifer recharge (MAR) scheme and to contribute to the understanding of the hydrogeology of the region.


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